Bob Scheer

We're All Supposed To Pretend That This Is a Normal Man And That Was A Normal Election-- That Neither The Russians Nor The FBI Grabbed For Their Puppet?

It may be endlessly entertaining-- and even instructive-- to read about the discord in the Trump transition team, and Maddow certainly seems to have made it her beat, but the GOP knife fights, certainly part of Trump's managerial style, shouldn't take us away from the realistic goal we have to concentrate on: winning, winning, winning in 2018-- House seats and state legislative seats.

Trump: "The Bosses Are Picking The People"

When are people going to just be so over the ignorant hogwash that comes spewing out of Trump that they just turn him off completely? "I'm no longer a Cubs fan, by the way, because I think they'll terrible," he told Fox & Friends Saturday morning as an aside to the fact that the team's owners, the Ricketts, oppose him. Pure silly childishness. BUT, Trump has managed to stumble onto and mine a real vein of anger and discontent that-- despite the racism, fascism and his bizarre ego-centric campaign-- really does need to be heard and grasped by voters.

Robert Scheer proposes "We know everything but learn nothing" as a slogan for our "intelligence" agencies

"As The New York Times stated, the Benghazi incident has been billed as "the most significant attack on United States property in 11 years, since Sept. 11, 2001," an event that launched the much-ballyhooed war on terror. But as with that attack 11 years earlier, the perps turned out to be people the U.S. secret agencies had once trusted. . .

A Government Of The Rich, By The Rich And, More Than Anything Else, FOR The Rich

A bunch of slimy New Dems-- your father's Republican PartyAlmost half the Members of Congress (48%) are millionaires and most of the rest are there at the sufferance of millionaires and billionaires who finance their miserable political careers. The median estimated net worth of all 535 Members is about $966,000, although higher among the freshmen-- $1,066,515.