Bob Mueller

Nunes Pretends To Be 100% Portuguese But He Isn't... There's One Antecedent Named Robert Mueller

I once had a financial advisor, long ago, who told me he would vote for Cuomo to be president because he would be the first Italian-American president. He had no idea what Cuomo was about politically, just that he was of Italian heritage, like the financial advisor. It made me question his judgment and wonder if he was the right person for me to be working with.

Back To The Past-- Into The Future... Paul Manafort, Trump's Campaign Manager, A Putin Guy

It's late in September, 2018 and you're at home in Omaha, on North 24th Street between Cuming and Burt neatly tucked between Creighton University and the McDonald's, glued to the TV screen. Chris Hayes, Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell have basically been covering nothing but the two Manafort trials that started in July and August. The whole country is talking about nothing else.

Setting a Perjury Trap for Trump

by Gaius PubliusA "perjury trap" is a prosecutorial maneuver and a form of entrapment in which "a prosecutor calls a witness to testify with the intent to base a perjury charge on their statements, not to indict them for a previous crime." If a prosecutor calls a witness for only that purpose, rather than to get information to further an investigation, the law is clear — it's

Protecting Mueller From Trump-- McConnell, Still Senate Leader

Robert Mueller: Into The Swamp by Nancy OhanianWhen people were asking me yesterday if it really makes that much of a difference who the Senate Leader is, McConnell (R-KY) or Schumer (D-NY), I was able to point to the vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee to advance the bill to protect Mueller from the Trumpanzee depravities. All the Democrats voted yes-- and so did 4 Republicans:

Most Republicans Are Still Too Scared Of Trumpanzee To Protect Mueller

A new organization, Republicans for the Rule of Law, ran their first TV ad-- defending the Mueller investigation-- on Fox and Friends in DC this morning. If you don't live in DC and don't watch Fox Fake News, that's it above. Republicans in Congress have been barking-- and even snarling-- that Señor Trumpanzee "better not" fire Robert Mueller-- but they've adamantly refused to pass an easy fix-- like for example a bill saying they would hire him as a special prosecutor if Trump fires him-- as seems more and more likely.