The Blue Line

Pennsylvania State Trooper Convicted of Assault After Kicking Skateboarder

Pennsylvania State Trooper Ryan Luckenbaugh was convicted of assault in connection with a 2015 arrest, which took jurors less than an hour to come to a verdict.
Luckenbaugh faces possible jail time after his conviction of simple assault. He will be sentenced in April, according to Penn Live.
The arrest report was a complete fabrication, according to prosecutors, going on to call Luckenbaug a bully with a badge in closing arguments.

WATCH: Ohio Deputies Pepper Spray Man Strapped in Restraint Chair

A Ohio sheriff’s department once again has been exposed on video pepper spraying a detainee strapped in a restraint chair, a disturbing incident that took place a month after an almost identical video surfaced that was written off as an “isolated” incident by the sheriff who runs the jail.
The practice does not seem very isolated considering the victim in the latest attack expressed fear about getting strapped to the chair before he even saw the chair.

Georgia Deputy has Ex-Wife Arrested for Criticizing him on Facebook

Frustrated that her ex-husband refused to bring her sick children medicine, a Georgia woman took to Facebook to express her feelings.
She ended up thrown in jail.
But only because her ex-husband is a local sheriff’s captain who runs the local jail.
Now the ex-wife is suing her piece of shit ex-husband. Or as one of her friends referred to him on Facebook, a “POS.”
But that friend also ended up jailed for her Facebook comments.

WATCH: Southern California Deputy Threatens to “Create Something” to Arrest Man Filing Complaint Against Him

A Southern California sheriff’s deputy who threatened to arrest a man for attempting to file a complaint against him was simply having “a bad day,” his supervisors said.
San Bernardino County deputy Michael Bradbury did not have any actual grounds to arrest Duncan Hicks inside the  sheriff’s station in Victorville on January 20.
But he figured he would make that part up.  Or as he described it, “create something.”
That, of course, is nothing new. Cops create stories all the time to justify their arrests. Especially in contempt-of-cop situations as was the case here.

Oklahoma Cops Threaten to Arrest Widow of Police Abuse Victim After She Calls Them “Pigs” on Facebook Live Video

Nair Rodriguez  recorded five Oklahoma police officers killing her husband in a movie theatre parking lot in 2014 before they confiscated her camera.
Now those same cops are trying to get her charged with “inciting violence” after she called them “pigs” in a Facebook Live video.
The five Moore police officers claim the video made them fear for their lives.

Texas Cop Calls PINAC Reporter “Black Moron” for Standing up for his Rights

A Texas cop took to Facebook to call PINAC reporter Phillip Turner a “black moron” for daring to stand up for his rights when a cop demanded his identification for recording in front of a police station.
Pearland police officer Cary Homeyer also accused Turner of being part of Black Lives Matter, but Turner has never associated with the activist organization.
Phillip Turner

Illinois Cops Beating Black Man for Driving Own Car Highlights Larger Racial Profiling Issue

The white woman was trying to be a good samaritan when she called police on a black man entering his car and driving away in a suburban Chicago town, thinking he had stolen it.
But Lawrence Crosby owned the Chevrolet and figured he would drive to a local police station in Evanston to prove it after realizing the woman was following him.
The 25-year-old engineering doctorate student from Northwestern University was accustomed to being profiled because of his race as he revealed in a phone conversation with a friend recorded by his dash cam that evening on October 10, 2015.

South Florida Deputy Faints Upon Reading Court Order Seizing Personal Assets After Sheriff Refuses to Pay Settlement to Man Left Paralyzed

A South Florida deputy who left a man paralyzed after confusing a cell phone for a gun had his personal items seized Saturday, including his car, clothes, television, furniture, golf clubs, fishing rods and computer, after his agency refused to pay the victim $200,000 – a fraction of the $22.4 million a federal jury awarded him last year.
Federal marshalls seized Palm Beach County sheriff’s deputy Adams Lin under court order after Sheriff Ric Bradshaw refused to pay a dime towards the settlement.