The Blue Line

Oakland Cops Drag Man Out of Own Home and Kill Him, Thinking Him Possible Intruder

Responding to a call about a possible intruder inside a home, Oakland police arrived and discovered no intruder.
But that did not stop them from dragging a man out from his bedroom and into the street, suffocating Hernan Jaramillo until he died, ignoring his repeated pleas of “I can’t breathe” and “They’re killing me.”
Watching her brother die, Ana Biocini regretted ever calling police in the first place.
The incident took place more than two years ago but police body cam footage was only released last month.

Pittsburgh District Attorney to Refile Charges Against Acquitted Cop who Attacked Teen on Video

The Pittsburgh police officer who was acquitted this week on assault charges when a surveillance video clearly shows he assaulted a teenager will once again face the same charges after the FBI announced it would launch its own investigation.
Allegheny County District Attorney Stephen Zappala made the announcement this afternoon, informing reporters that he would refile charges against Sergeant Stephen Matakovich.

Montana Deputies Cleared in Shooting Showing Driver Veering Away from Them

Two Montana deputies said they were in fear for their lives when they opened fire on a stolen SUV, killing the man inside.
However, a dash cam video shows the SUV veered left as if to avoid striking them.
It also shows the two Yellowstone County sheriff’s deputies walking towards the approaching vehicle with their rifles drawn, opening fire as the vehicle veered left and continuing to fire after the SUV was nowhere in their path.
“I told him to stop, he hit the gas and came right at us,” one deputy can be heard telling a supervisor who later arrived on the scene.

Miami Police Union Leader Retaliates Against Woman Who Pulled Cop Over by Doxing Her

The head of the Miami Fraternal Order of Police is retaliating against the woman who pulled over a Miami-Dade police officer for speeding last week in a video that went viral by posting her personal information online and encouraging his followers to call and harass her.
The exact term is doxing and its intent is to harass, bully and intimidate.

U.S. Marshals Crash Van into Woman’s Car in Puerto Rico, then Pull Gun on Woman for Recording Them Before Driving Off

Two U.S. Marshals are coming under fire after slamming their van into a woman’s car, pointing a gun at her and then, after realizing she was recording them, taking off like nothing ever happened, proving they are held to even lesser standards in Puerto Rico.
Raquel Vélez, who recorded the video, says to make matters worse, the incident took place in front of a federal prison. She wasted no time in reporting the U.S. Marshals (one of them apparently is known as “Agent Rivera”) and highlighted how she could not believe they pointed a firearm at her when she had done nothing wrong.

Award-Winning Michigan Officer Known as “Robocop” Receives 13-Month Sentence for Vicious Beating Caught on Camera

The Michigan cop known as Robocop will spend at least 13 months in prison for placing a man in a chokehold and punching him repeatedly in an incident captured on dash cam video.
However, that sentence can stretch up to ten years if he is not granted parole after the 13-month period.
But we know that won’t happen.

California Cops Retaliate Against Activist Over Facebook Debate

Angry over a Facebook argument with  a California activist on Christmas Eve,  a Stockton police officer retaliated by issuing Sanchez a ticket for being parked at his own home the following day.
“My Christmas present was a $300 fine for exercising free speech,”  said community activist Motecuzoma Sanchez said in an interview with Photography is Not a Crime.
But now the cop, Aaron Adams,  is on paid administrative leave.
Motecuzoma Sanchez

Pittsburgh Cop Caught on Camera Beating Teen Acquitted After Judge Claims Teen Was Aggressor

The assault was caught on camera, a Pittsburgh cop shoving a teen down to the ground twice, then punching him a few times before handcuffing him, which led to criminal charges against Sergeant Stephen Matakovich last year.
All because the 19-year-old man would not leave the outside of Heinz Field where a high school championship football game was being played on November 28.
Well, actually, Gabriel Despres did try to leave after being ordered to do so by a group of security guards.

Tennessee Cops Taser Middle School Cleaning Lady, Mistaking Her for Burglar

She was doing her job, cleaning the inside of a school, when she was confronted by two gun-wielding Tennessee cops, who began barking questions at her.
But the Guatemalan cleaning lady did not understand English, so all she could say was “No.”
When they continued demanding information, the woman tried to walk away, then run away.
That was when the cops chased after her, tasering her, charging her with evading arrest.
Juana Raymundo, 36, spent the night in jail, wearing a shirt with the letters “ABM,” the company contracted to clean the school every night.

LAPD Officers Not Charged for Shooting Up Newspaper Delivery Truck More Than 100 Times in Mistaken Identity

In a case of mistaken identity, the LAPD officers that opened fire on innocent civilians will not face charges, the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office announced last week.
But Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck said the eight officers involved in the shooting violated the department’s deadly force policy.
That was, before he changed his mind and allowed the officers back to full-time duty.
The incident took place on February 7, 2013 when Margie Carranza and Emma Hernandez were delivering Los Angeles Times newspapers around 5 a.m.