The Blue Line

Palm Beach Sheriff Hacked by Russian Hactivists; Thousands of Addresses of Cops, Prosecutors and Judges Posted

In a move that is already infuriating law enforcement officials in South Florida, a website created by a former Palm Beach County sheriff’s deputy posted “confidential property records” of thousands of Palm Beach deputies, police officers,  judges, prosecutors and FBI agents over the weekend.

Massachusetts Cop Allowed to Resign After Masturbating in Public Now Working for State

A Massachusetts cop who was allowed to quietly resign after a woman accused him of masturbating in public while ogling her is now working for the state.
No charges were ever filed against Newburyport Police Sergeant Stephen Chaisson, who claimed he never masturbated, but was only playing with himself after having a big breakfast, which can only be described as cop logic.
The cover-up was made public Friday by local news station WCVB, who did an excellent job of exposing the truth after a months-long public records battle.

Memphis Police Abuse Man; Local Media Blind to Abuse

The local media in Memphis captured a video of police chasing a man who surrendered, only for the Memphis police officer to strike him with a baton and kick him twice before planting his foot on the suspect’s back and handcuffing him.
It was a clear case of police brutality because the man had surrendered.
But ABC 24 was still not certain, so they had to turn to their “experts” to educate them.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the problem with corporate media these days.

NYPD Officer Convicted of Killing Unarmed Man, Leaving Him to Die Instead of Calling for Help or Performing CPR

In November of 2014, New York City police officer Peter Liang shot and killed Akai Gurley inside a darkened stairwell in an apartment building.
Now the officer may serve up to 15 years in prison after a conviction Thursday for manslaughter and official misconduct.
Those attending the trial inside the Brooklyn Supreme Court gasped when the verdict was read.

Ohio Man Sentenced to 240 Days for Recording Cops and Holding Up Sign Warning Drivers of DUI Checkpoint

An Ohio man was sentenced to 240 days in jail Thursday for First Amendment-related activities, including attempting to video record police in public and warning drivers of an upcoming DUI checkpoint by holding up a sign.
Douglas “Deo” Odolecki of Cleveland Cop Block was whisked away to jail immediately after the trial.
His attorney, John Gold, plans to appeal.
“The judge far exceeded her authority today,” he said in a telephone interview with Photography is Not a Crime.

Retired Massachusetts Cop Charged with Stealing $400,000 from Evidence Room

In 2014, Massachusetts Police Detective Kevin Burnham retired after 43 years on the job with the Springfield Police Department.
Local media celebrated him as a dedicated cop who could have retired ten years earlier, but chose to stay on out of pure love for his job.
Now it appears as if he stayed on solely for the purpose of stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from the department’s evidence room.
Burnham, who was the narcotics evidence officer, is accused of stealing nearly $400,000 from December 2009 until July 2014.

Oklahoma Judge Dismisses Sexual Molestation Charges Against Ex-Cop; Jails Victim’s Father for Year for Yelling Obscenities in Courtroom

An Oklahoma judge dismissed three felony child sex abuse charges against a retired cop Monday despite forensic evidence proving he had molested a 3-year-old girl as well as evidence he had burned her diapers afterwards.
The judge also threw the girl’s father in jail for a year after he voiced objections to how his daughter was being treated on the witness stand.
Judge Matthew Sheets

Florida Cops Shoot Up Family’s Home After Responding to Wrong Address

Florida police riddled a man’s home with bullets as his wife and son slept inside early Saturday morning, only to later tell him they had responded to the wrong address.
Nevertheless, Ocoee police forced the family outside, handcuffing them to the curb, refusing to let them back inside for ten hours.
This same department was exposed earlier this week as covering up for a veteran police officer who was accused of receiving drugs and money from a local street gang.
Now the little known police outside just northwest of Orlando has a lot of explaining to do.

Manslaughter Charge Dropped for Ex-Con Son Of NYPD Cop Accused of Killing Activist Before Fleeing

Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance this week dropped the manslaughter charge against the ex-con son of a well-connected NYPD family who was caught on video driving onto a sidewalk while texting before striking and killing an outspoken civil rights activist, then fleeing the scene on foot and evading police for more than two months, all while he was on parole after serving a three-year prison stint on drug charges.