The Blue Line

Washington Cops Settle Suit for Tasering, Siccing Dog on Non-Resisting Man

The city of Tukwila in Washington agreed to settle a lawsuit for $100,000 plus attorney’s fee after officers punched a restrained man in the face and head, shocking him with taser darts and then siccing a police dog on him in what the department calls “pain compliance” – a use of force tactic they say falls “within policy.”

Watch: Ohio Mother Detained for Momentarily Turning Back on Children

What began as a routine trip to the zoo with her children turned into a frightening encounter with an Ohio cop who accused her of “suspicious activity” for strapping her children in their car seats and walking back inside her home to retrieve snacks.
Brunswick Police Sergeant Jonathan Page appeared in Ginger Borshov’s open doorway as she was about to step back outside, demanding her identification, obviously accustomed to getting what he wants.
But Borshov was not certain if she was required to hand over identification, so she grabbed a camera and began recording.

NYPD Cop Points Gun at Man Recording Arrest, Then Slugs Him In The Face Before Arresting Him

Shocking video shows NYPD cop Risel Martinez pointing a gun at a bystander for recording him making an arrest, then walking up to that same bystander and punching him in the face minutes later after the arrest was made.
“He held the gun out like he was one of them goddamn gangsters or like a gang member, you know, and saying, ‘Get away, get away,'”said tenant association president Deloris Johnson.

Los Angeles Deputies Convicted for Beating Schizophrenic Man in Jail, Marking 21 Convictions in Federal Investigation

Two Los Angeles sheriff’s deputies were convicted this week for beating a mentally ill male inmate to “teach him a lesson” after he had mouthed off to jailers in March 2010.
Bryan Brunsting, 31, and Jason Branum, 35, were both convicted on counts of conspiracy, falsifying records and violating the inmate’s civil rights, marking a total of 21 Los Angeles sheriffs deputies to have been convicted of crimes since the federal government began investigating the largest jail system in the country in 2011.

Watch: Florida Cops Beat Innocent Man who Walked in Store During Drug Bust

Florida cops were in the midst of conducting a drug bust at a Jacksonville convenience store when they pounced on a man who entered the store – who had nothing to do with the drug suspects – and slammed him against a shelf, then grabbed him and forced him into a back room where they repeatedly punched him.
Jacksonville sheriff’s officers then charged Demarcus Brown with trespassing and resisting arrest with violence.
However, surveillance video shows the cops were the only ones who were violent.

Watch: Body Cam Video of In-Custody Death Kept Secret by California Cops for More Than a Year

California cops pulled a man over in May 2014, suspecting him of driving drunk, but he ended up dying in their custody.
But the Hayward Police Department, which regular sends out media updates about homicides and missing persons – never publicly acknowledged the death of James Greer.
And the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office never opened an investigation into the death of the 46-year-old man.

Watch: Chicago Cop Charged with Felony After Beating Handcuffed Patient

A Chicago man was held down, beaten with brass knuckles and left naked in a jail cell before being taken to a hospital for injuries where he was then beaten again by the same cop while still handcuffed.
Chicago police officer Clauzell Gause was charged with official misconduct on May 17 after newly-released surveillance video from 2014 captured him pushing a handcuffed man into a hospital room, throwing him face-first into a wall and then punching him in the face before shoving him onto a hospital bed.