The Blue Line

Los Angeles Deputies Admit to Killing Unarmed, Mentally Ill Man by Mistake

Searching for an armed carjacker who had fired at them more than two hours earlier, Los Angeles sheriff’s deputies came across an unarmed mentally ill man and killed him instead.
Donnell Thompson, 27, had nothing to do with the carjacking, but deputies said he matched the description of one of the carjackers, so they didn’t want to take any chances.
After all, they said, Thompson could have placed the community in danger had they not killed him.

Florida Cops Fabricate Laws to Detain PINAC Reporter for Doing his Job

PINAC reporter Jeff Gray was up to his old tricks again, photographing power plants from public sidewalks, making public records requests at police stations, not breaking any law, when he was approached by cops who accused him of breaking fabricated laws, even going as far as to accuse him of plotting an attack on police.
We’ve seen it all before with Gray; the paranoid cops believing they are keeping the world safe by violating his Constitutional rights, seemingly unconcerned about making fools of themselves on YouTube.

Illinois to Teach Comply or Die Classes to High School Students

Now that Comply or Die has become the standard with American police, Illinois will begin teaching high school students how to conduct themselves during traffic stops to keep from being killed.
The mandatory training will go effect for the 2017 school year after it was signed into law by Governor Bruce Rauner Friday.
The new measure states that students will now be taught “a demonstration of the proper actions to be taken during a traffic stop and appropriate interactions with law enforcement.”

Pennsylvania Mom Denies Son Held Knife to Her Throat when He was Killed by Police

A Pennsylvania cop shot a 20-year-old man to death Sunday night, claiming the man was holding a knife to his mother’s throat.
The man’s mother, however, denies that claim, saying her son never held a knife to her throat.
The Harrisburg Police Department does not use body cameras, so unless a citizen video surfaces, it will remain the cop’s word against the mother’s word.
All that can be confirmed now is that Earl Pinckney was shot dead by a police officer, who has not been named.

Louisiana Deputies Raid Cop’s Home to Identify Blogger Critical of Sheriff

Louisiana deputies served a search warrant last week on the home of a local police officer named Wayne Anderson in an attempt to identify the person behind ExposeDat, an anonymously published government watchdog blog that has been reporting on the ethically questionable business transactions of parish public officials since mid-June.

Newly Surfaced Cell Phone Video Contradicts California Cop Narrative of Shooting Death of Mentally Ill Man

A cell phone video showing Northern California cops gun down a 110-pound mentally ill man last month surfaced this week, showing the man running away from cops when they charge towards him while firing a dozen shots.
Prior to the video surfacing, Sacramento police were claiming the usual: That Joseph Mann turned towards them while holding a knife, then reached into his waistband, which made them fear for their lives, prompting them to shoot him multiple times because they were “worried he might hurt citizens in the area.”

South Florida Cop Proven to be Liar by Surveillance Camera in Shooting of Unarmed Man

A South Florida cop who shot a man he had pulled over, then claimed the man kept his hands in his waistband, was proven to be a liar by a surveillance camera.
But Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Rundle Fernandez refused to prosecute South Miami police officer Aryo Rezaie because she would rather not break her 23-year streak of not prosecuting a single police officer for shooting unarmed citizens.

New York DA Accuses Citizen Journalist of Stalking Syracuse Cop by Recording Him in Public

A New York district attorney accused a citizen journalist of stalking a Syracuse police officer by recording him from across the street last week, prompting the cop to walk across the street, punch him in the face and arrest him in a video that ended up going viral.
The only problem is, the evidence on that video does not match the “harassment” charge as it is described in the New York statute.

Missouri Cops Caught on Camera Killing Family Dog

Missouri cops were caught on camera killing a family dog after knocking on a door of a residence and fearing for their lives when the dog came running out to greet them.
Or as they call it, “lunged” at them.
The surveillance video shows Sierra, a rescue dog, did not act any differently than many dogs do when strangers come knocking on the door; a little excited and curious, but probably not planning to do anything but sniff the cop.
Usually, all it takes is to allow the dog to sniff your hand to put it at ease, then pet it. Dogs are not very hard to win over.