The Blue Line

Ohio Cops to Pay $780,000 for Shooting 4-year-old Girl While Trying to Kill Family Dog

Ohio cops are expected to pay $780,000 in a settlement deal pending Columbus City Council’s approval after an officer shot a 4-year-old in the leg while trying to shoot her dog that her family says was retreating from the porch when the officer unnecessarily fired his gun.
He then fled the scene.
Instead of rendering aid and making sure the child was OK, officer Jonathan Thomas then walked down the driveway, got in his patrol car and left the scene without administering aid or making sure an ambulance was on the way.

South Florida Deputies Shoot and Kill Man Eating Chicken Wings During Backyard Outing

A South Florida woman is regretting calling police on her brother for a family dispute after they showed up and killed him Saturday night.
“I never would have called the cops if I’d known this was going to happen,” Deborah Frazier told the Broward-Palm Beach Times.
“They just came in and started shooting right away.”
Broward County sheriff’s deputies say they were in fear for their lives when they shot Gregory Frazier because he was holding a knife.

Award-Winning Florida Cop Exposed as Liar by Surveillance Camera

Surveillance video from a gas station shows a Florida cop fabricated a felony charge against a woman when he falsely accused her of battery on an officer.
In fact, the video shows Pinellas County sheriff’s deputy Wayne Wagner committed battery on Paige Taylor, a 26-year-old woman whom he grabs, throws to the ground, then piles on top of after ordering her out of her car.

Louisiana Man Charged with Hate Crime for “Verbally Attacking” Cops (Updated)

Less than four months after Louisiana gave cops hate crime victim status with the nation’s first Blue Live Matters bill, New Orleans police made what appears to be the state’s first arrest under that law Monday.
A drunk man who yelled racist and sexist slurs at officers after they arrested him for disorderly conduct and damaging property in the French Quarter

Oklahoma Cop Says, “We Can Spin It,” After They Pepper Spray 84-year-old Woman (Updated)

In the ensuing moments after Oklahoma police pepper sprayed an 84-year-old woman after kicking her door down without a warrant to arrest her son for running a stop sign, one cop tells another cop that “we can spin it” in order to justify their questionable tactics.
But Muskogee police are having a tough time spinning the incident considering it was all caught on body cam video.