
‘Great Humanitarian’: Clintons Mourn Rockefeller

(ANTIMEDIA) Social Media was set ablaze Monday morning with articles announcing the death of 101-year-old David Rockefeller. While most in the comment sections were not mourning the loss of the former chief executive of Chase Manhattan bank, political figures from both sides of the aisle felt compelled to publicly express their sympathies for the deceased billionaire.

Bloomberg concedes to “The Trump Effect”, NATO member states should pay up or get out

The “NATO is obsolete” mantra is taking hold, and it has European freeloader states in a complete panic.
Trump shed a huge, bright light on NATO’s uselessness. Now the European establishment is trying to figure out a way to define, and redefine, an alliance that has been sitting pretty under the US taxpayer’s umbrella of security. No more.

‘Conspiracy Vs. Government’ Is Part of an Elite Wave of Propaganda Justifying Violent Repression

The daily Bell – October 31, 2016 The rise of paranoid politics could make America ungovernable – and the FBI is fuelling the fire … Nothing can disprove the fears of a paranoiac. Indeed, everything confirms them …   It takes away politicians’ incentive to understand one another and get things done. It says that if […]