Bloomberg News

Venezuela & The Mighty Wurlitzer

By Joyce Nelson | CounterPunch | February 15, 2019 On February 11, Bloomberg News published an astonishing piece about the unfolding Venezuelan turmoil. It was apparently the result of a major investigative effort involving three reporters and five others providing “assistance”. You’ll notice I haven’t called it a piece of news (although that’s what it […]

Ripoff Alert: No Aloe was Found in These Aloe Vera Gel Products

Over the summer, like a lot of people, I purchase a bottle of aloe vera gel because, despite my best efforts, I always get sunburned when I work in the garden. Now I know where I’ll never be buying it from again: CVS. Don’t bother picking up a bottle at Walmart or Target, either. A Bloomberg News report from late 2016 shows that none of these store-brands actually contain any aloe.
Source: Bloomberg News