
From Bitcoin to Ether: Today's Blockchain Basics

Bitcoin and its underlying technology blockchain are game-changing technologies that are reshaping and revolutionizing the world economy. Often hidden behind the headlines of Bitcoin’s meteoric rise in market value and blockchain’s technological promise is a basic understanding of what these two technologies are and where they come from. Let's explore the fundamentals of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and their underlying technology, blockchain.

Goldman Sachs Analyst: Bitcoin Could Soon Hit $4,000

(ANTIMEDIA) – After its meteoric rise in value, Bitcoin has many financial analysts wondering aloud how high the cryptocurrency’s ceiling may go. Several have concluded that Bitcoin could soon outpace expectations in a grandiose way. Goldman Sachs’ head of technical strategy, Sheba Jafari, believes Bitcoin could soon reach a record-high of nearly $4,000 per coin.

The Thrilling and Sometimes Terrifying World of Crypto-Innovation Is at a Turning Point

Now times are getting serious. The biggest banks and brokerage houses are on board. Tens of thousands of blockchain startups exist. There is a crowdfunding campaign for a new digital service and token nearly every day. There are so many white papers being issued that no one can keep up. For all the world, it looks like Tulipmania except that this is what many people have claimed for eight years, during which time a new world has been born.

Who Needs a Lawyer When You Have the Blockchain?

Here come the machines, and they can read everything you have instantaneously, as well as every other law book every written. They have total recall of any precedent ever set and an insurmountable amount of information at the end of their electrodes, ready to be utilized in response to any query or requirement. But machine learning isn’t the thing that will exterminate the professions, specifically lawyers. The blockchain will be the grim reaper who comes for them first.

To Whom Does This Thing Belong? And How Do We Know?

What’s the single greatest invention in human history? I would argue that the answer is private property. If you understand why, then you should also have a profound appreciation for another great invention in human history: the blockchain. They are mutually reinforcing. In fact, humanity has never had a better tool for keeping up with private property claims under complex, globalized, digital economic structures.

The rise of crypto-anarchism

At some point, and probably sooner than we think, the current left and right offerings of the major parties, including (perhaps especially) the populist, will start to appear ludicrous and unworkable. New political movements and ideas will arrive before long for this industrial revolution, especially once the majority of the population will soon have grown up online.