
Gazans See Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement As Last Hope for International Justice

GAZA — Gaza is in urgent need of opening spaces on many levels. The geophysical space — incarcerated by Israel’s illegal blockade on Gaza and its construction of barriers to “protect Israel’s citizens with power and sophistication,” according to Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman, which are fast becoming normalized and barely worthy of mention in diplomatic circles.

Israel’s “One of a Kind” New Apartheid Wall to Choke Gaza: A Triple-Layered Sea Barrier

TEL AVIV, ISRAEL — Whatever one’s opinion may be about the ongoing Israeli dispossession of the people of Palestine and the crippling siege of the Gaza Strip, one can’t fault Tel Aviv for lacking originality.
Such unique means of choking off the Palestinians’ ability to live as normal human beings will be on full display with a new $833 million sea barrier being erected: it will include a submarine barrier, a stone wall, and a layer of barbed wire that will be surrounded by an additional fence.

Gaza Flotilla Carrying Wounded Breaks Israel’s Unbearable Blockade

Gaza, Palestine – A flotilla carrying at least 25 patients, students and activists have broken Israel’s imposed boundary off the coast of the Gaza Strip, the first time in more than a decade.
The group set sail on Tuesday morning from the besieged Gaza Strip, hoping to break Israel’s debilitating siege on the enclave that has trapped more than two million Palestinians since 2006.
By midday, the boat had crossed nine nautical miles (16km), with four Israeli warships flanking the vessel.

What’s Behind Israel’s Sudden Concern for Gaza?

Last week Israeli military officials for the first time echoed what human rights groups and the United Nations have been saying for some time: that Gaza’s economy and infrastructure stand on the brink of collapse.
They should know.
More than 10 years ago the Israeli army tightened its grip on Gaza, enforcing a blockade on goods coming in and out of the tiny coastal enclave that left much of the 2 million-strong population there unemployed, impoverished and hopeless.

WHO: ‘Preventable’ Cholera In Yemen Reaches Over 1 Million Cases

There are currently one million people infected with cholera in wartorn Yemen, the World Health Organisation (WHO) announced on Wednesday
Some 2,225 people have died on the disease since 27 April, it added.
The UN organisation issued a report stating that as of Monday, there were 983,486 cases of Cholera in Yemen.
The organisation also noted that during the same period, it recorded 2,225 deaths caused by the disease, spread across 21 of the country’s 22 provinces.