
What If Blind People Decided Not To Vote For Trump?

The Dark Triad by Chip ProserSeñor T alienated another group of voters: blind people. There are 7,297,100 blind people living in the U.S. Before we get into how Trump alienated blind people, let's look at a few states. The first number is approximately how many blind people live there. The second number is the margin of Trump's win over Hillary:

Shared senses: how sighted travellers are helping blind adventurers explore the world

Traveleyes’ tours challenge sighted travellers to guide blind fellow holidaymakers. We hear from sighted guide Joan Stead and visually impaired traveller James Barratt as they experience an African safari togetherThe post Shared senses: how sighted travellers are helping blind adventurers explore the world appeared first on Positive News.