
Who Gets Fucked When DC Republicrats Decide To Compromise? Not The Koch Brothers, Wall Street Or The Adelsons

Well, the regular working families are the ones who take it in the neck, of course. Republicans grudgingly prepared to not shut down the government by bragging to their extremist fringe that they would still enforce plenty of pain on the poor people their party is perpetually at war with.

Sometimes Bipartisanship Leads To A Plot Against The People Of This Country By The Beltway Political Elites

This diagram shows the ideological spectrum of the Members who supported the Grayson amendment on police demilitarizationGeorge Bush demanded-- hysterically-- that Congress pass the TARP giveaway to banksters that came close to wrecking the economy. But it can't only be pinned on Bush; both Establishment Beltway parties were complicit in that catastrophic vote.

Why North Carolina Partisan Hack Robert Pittenger Owes A No Sweat Reelection To Steve Israel

In 2013 right-wing lunatic Robert Pittenger and a less extreme, business-friendly Republican calling himself a New Dem, Patrick Murphy, sent out a letter to House leadership from a motley crew of conservative freshmen-- from crackpot sociopaths like domestic terror supporter Steve Stockman (R-TX), congressional coke dealer Trey Radel (R-FL), whack job teabaggers like Kerry Bentivolio (R-MI), Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) and Ted Yoho to the usual aisle-crossing Blue Dogs and New Dems from the Republican wing o

Colleen Hanabusa Can't Tell The Difference Between Bipartisanship And Selling Out

The 2 wings of the Hawaiian Democratic PartyThe worst of the corporately-owned conservative Democrats-- shills like Ro Khanna (CA), Marjorie Margolies (PA), Don Beyer (VA), Wendy Greuel (CA), Kevin Strouse (PA), Pete Aguilar (CA) and the two from the Republican wing of the Hawaiian Democratic Party, Donna Mercado Kim and Colleen Hanabusa-- love to bray incessantly about their efforts to work across the aisle in a "bipartisan" manner.

Is Lindsey Graham About To Lose His Senate Seat? Beltway Pundits Will Let You Know In November

Opposition is bipartisan… but not from Lindsey GrahamAlthough the Beltway pundits of conventional wisdom-- like the brain scientists at Cook-- rate Lindsey Graham as "safe," I wouldn't want to be forced to put any money on that. Nate Silver claims Lindsey has a 97% chance of being reelected, just 1% less than Tim Scott and 7% better than Al Franken's reelection odds.