
On Sleeping With The Enemy

One of the things I always liked about Ted Lieu and Pramila Jayapal was that while they were state senators, he in California and she in Washington, they became experts at working across the aisle to get real things accomplished. And they did it without ever abandoning their progressive and Democratic values. Marqus Cole is running for an open seat in the suburbs northwest of Atlanta.

The Shelf-Life On Biden's Version Of Bipartisanship Is Long Expired

You probably read about Status Quo Joe's babbling nonsense about how there would be a post-Trump Republican epiphany and everyone would live happily every after in the neoliberal/neocon world that has always been home base for Biden himself. Him and his "Republican friends." Yesterday we looked at this aspect of Biden's cluelessness from a progressive angle.

There's Only One Functional Reason To Vote For Biden In The Primaries-- To Re-elect Trump

In a tweet early Monday, Bernie reminded Trump that he's "not a dictator. In our democracy, he wrote, "when Congress calls on Robert Mueller to testify, he will testify." Maybe he will; maybe he won't. But Democratic Party primacy voters-- as well as most independent voters-- certainly appreciate the effort. Democratic primary voters favor impeaching Trump over the Mueller report.

Wall Street Makes A Move-- With Corrupt Conservatives From Both Parties On Board

Happy Anniversary? This year it will be one full decade since the Wall Street meltdown-- triggered by greed-driven, irresponsible banksters and the politicians who allowed them (for a regular flow of bribes) to get away with murder-- that threw the economy into the Great Recession. Austin Frerick is running for an Iowa congressional seat occupied by a garden variety corrupt conservative incumbent, Wall Street ally David Young.

Consensus and Complicity

There’s nothing less democratic than bipartisanship. The term itself is a ruse that falsely indicates universal consensus where there is really only a minority consensus among elites — and their sniffling lemmings in the bourgeois press. The bipartisan consensus is a tireless ogre that roams the demotic plain, kneecapping democratic debate wherever it presents itself. It crushes fledgling dialogue, suppresses the flash of dialectical insight.

Paul Ryan And Señor Trumpanzee In League To Destroy Senate Bipartisan Efforts

Lamar Alexander (R-TN) voted to repeal Obamacare but when the repeal failed he decided he doesn't really want to hold folks in Tennessee who get healthcare coverage through Obamacare hostage. A former governor of his state and the chairman of the Senate Health Committee, he started working on a bipartisan fix that would at least stabilize the insurance markets while Congress figures out how to proceed.