
Still Losing: Creditors Change Monsanto’s Investor Rating to “Negative”

Approximately $8 billion in debt securities are affecting a popular investor’s service decision about one of biotech’s biggest. Investing credit rating company Moody’s has affirmed that Monsanto’s new rating is being downgraded from ‘neutral’ to ‘negative’ following Syngenta’s announcement that it has refused Monsanto’s unsolicited bid of CHF449 per Syngenta share in a combination of cash and stock.

Leading Geneticist: ‘Health Damaging Effects’ of GMOs Unpredictable

Dr. Michael Antoniou of King’s College London School of Medicine in the UK is one author of a recent paper presented by Responsible Technology. Dr. Antoniou uses genetic engineering for medical applications, but he warns against its use in developing crops for human food and animal feed. Why exactly does Antoniou believe GM crops are unsafe?

Prediction: New Monsanto-Backed Study to Find GMOs ‘Perfectly Safe’

As the public awakens to the true reality of GMOs and the disease-breeding practices of biotech juggernaut Monsanto, billions stand to be lost with the culmination of GMO labeling initiatives across the United States and abroad. And with such a large amount of money at risk, some investors and executives will resort to any measures necessary in order to secure their stake.

How Fukushima may be a Greater Threat than Monsanto’s GMOs

For years we’ve discussed the numerous dangers of Monsanto’s genetically modified seeds — from unstoppable genetic contamination to the newly-admitted link between the company’s top selling herbicide and cancer. All in all, the list goes on and on. But GMOs aside, what may be an even greater threat to not only our individual futures, but the future of humanity itself, is what I call the ‘Fukushima nightmare.’

Two Major Biotech Companies May Soon Merge into ‘Mega Monsanto’

What would you get when you combine 2 of the largest chemical-biotech-seed companies on the planet? We may just find out soon enough, as biotech juggernaut Monsanto is reportedly looking to take over another big player in the biotech field, Syngenta. The merge would likely result in the further monopolization of the food supply – with GMOs and chemical pesticides at the crux.

Will Monsanto’s Roundup Herbicide Soon Be Banned?

It’s a question that, just a few years ago, would be considered absurd. But as we have seen revolutionary developments in the search for truth regarding Monsanto’s gloyphosate-based Roundup herbicide over these past few months, we can now truly ask the question: will Monsanto’s best selling chemical stew finally be banned by the United States and around the world?
And thanks to a number of major studies, news campaigns, and announcements by leading scientists, the answer may very well be ‘yes.’