
Is Bill Nye Monsanto’s Latest Sell Out?

Bill Nye ‘the Science Guy’ has entertained and educated thousands on his television show and website. He also used to call biotech and companies like Monsanto into question for creating genetically modified foods that contain Bt toxins, and countless other shady modifications, to say nothing about the chemicals which are used to grow them. But it seems his feelings toward biotech have changed.

Sick: ‘Intolerable Levels’ of Monsanto’s Glyphosate Found in Breast Milk

After testing 16 women from different regions all over Germany, the Green Party has found that traces of the chemical glyphosate, the primary ingredient in Monsanto’s best-selling herbicide Round Up, are appearing in breast milk at ‘intolerable levels’ that could harm a developing baby and the mother.

Federal Judge in Argentina Accepts Class Action Lawsuit Against Monsanto

While Monsanto tries to dodge a class action lawsuit in California by requesting that it be dismissed by the court, a federal judge in Argentina has accepted a class action lawsuit that would force GMO labeling and provisionally suspend the cultivation of genetically modified crops.
The lawsuit targets Monsanto for causing a seed monopoly through mono-cultivation. It argues for a complete ban on GMOs and on:

Russian Deputy Prime Minister: GMOs Will NOT be Tolerated

Russian President, Vladimir Putin has led a strong stance against biotech and their cultivation of GM crops in his country. Now, the Russian Deputy Prime Minister, Arkady Dvorkovich, has announced at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum that Russia WILL NOT use GM crops to boost agricultural production.
Dvorkovich stated that the good quality of the soil across Russia’s land will allow the country to use other technological advances in agriculture, but GMOs won’t be one of them.

Video: This is How Monsanto’s GMOs Could Be Banned

Will GMOs ever be banned? And if so, how will it happen? These are the questions that I am asked by thousands of concerned eaters on a routine basis. They are great questions, and ones that require a bit of explanation to truly ‘answer.’ As part of a new Q&A video series, I delve into the question and detail the factors that are required for Monsanto’s GMOs to hit the ‘ban’ list in the United States.

French Minister Asks Stores to Stop Selling Round Up

French Environment and Energy Minister Ségolène Royal is sending a clear message to Monsanto – biotech maker responsible for Round Up chemicals, and the target of a class action lawsuit in California, soon to be the taken to the US Federal Court.
Royal made the pronouncement this past Sunday that the weed killer Round Up should not be sold in garden shops since it is potentially harmful to human beings.
She told France 3 television:

Pope Francis Denounces GMOs and Pesticides

In a major environmental paper draft leaked a few days ago, Pope Francis brings attention to genetically modified organisms and the pesticides used to grow them, calling them both environmentally and socially ‘significant’ problems.
While he doesn’t call for an outright ban, and even states that they may have been helpful economically in some parts of the world, he also says that farm workers have been marginalized by the production of GM crops.
He states: