
GM Bacteria ‘Suffocates’ Soil, Says Retired EPA Scientist

Dr. Ramon Seidler, a retired senior scientist from the US Environmental Protection Agency, has become a leading spokesperson against genetically modified foods and the increasing use of pesticides with GM crops. Dr. Seidler has published numerous papers on the subject of GMOs, arguing against them, rather than for them, as many other industry puppets do.

Law Firm Recruits Farmers In Class Action Lawsuit Against Monsanto

At this point, we have all been exposed to Monsanto’s toxic glyphosate – the chemical in Monsanto’s best-selling herbicide, Round Up. Exposure is happening either by eating GMO foods, or living close to a farm that routinely sprays their crops with the ‘probably-carcinogenic’ herbicide, as declared by the WHO’s IARC. In response to this, McDivitt Law Firm is inviting the public to attend a series of town meetings to hold agrichemical companies liable for the health damage they have caused with Round Up chemicals. Are they meeting in your town?

WHO Full Report: Monsanto Herbicide in GMO Crops is Carcinogenic

While the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is not a regulatory agency, their release of a full report on glyphosate’s ability to cause cancer is making waves throughout the world. Glyphosate is the key component in Monsanto’s Roundup.
There are more than 750 products for sale in the USA alone which contain glyphosate, the main ingredient in Monsanto’s herbicide that has been selling since the 1970s.

New Study: GMO Soy Accumulates Cancerous Formaldehyde

As if there weren’t plenty of reasons already to avoid genetically modified soy and other soy products – now a new study has made eating this GM crop even less appetizing.
As I previously reported for Natural Society, GM soy is toxic to the kidneys, liver, and reproductive system – and that’s not good considering that almost 90 percent of the soy grown in the US is genetically modified.

Which of Your Foods are Sprayed with Round Up Just 3 Days Before Harvest?

If your food isn’t certified organic, you’re consuming some toxic food. Want to know why? Monsanto’s Round Up ‘pre-harvest’ spraying guide meant for conventional farmers recommends that they spray crops just three days prior to harvest – and they don’t just mean on GMO crops. This means you’re likely consuming food which had been drenched in toxic pesticides.

Neil Young’s Latest Stop on the ‘Monsanto Years Tour’

Neil Young is using his tour the way Bob Marley or Rage Against the Machine might. Musicians used to stand for something through their art – whether it was civil rights, to negate racism, or to call our politicians ‘out’ for misrepresentation of the people. Neil Young is standing up against corporate infiltration of our governments, GMOs, and more.
Young is attempting to spread the word about GMOs using art in its most profound form – to help promote a food revolution.