
Pesticides as Dangerous as Secondhand Smoke to Kids

Early exposure to agricultural pesticides may harm children’s lungs – even more than secondhand smoke – researchers from the University of California, Berkeley, are saying.
The study links organophosphate pesticide metabolites in the urine of 279 children aged 6 months to 5 years living in Salinas Valley with decreased lung function. The area is a hub for lettuce, grapes, orchids and many more crops.

‘Steer Clear of Creating GMO Babies,’ Scientists and Ethicists Say

‘Proceed with caution, but steer clear of creating GMO babies’ was the general message sent Thursday by the dozen scientists and ethicists who organized the International Summit on Human Gene Editing in Washington, D.C.
The experts said at the end of 3 days of deliberation and presentations that not all gene therapy should move forward, and the world is not ready for “germline” editing that permanently changes an embryo so that the edit could be passed along to future children.

Bernie Sanders Interview ‘Cancelled Because Monsanto Was Threatening to Sue’

Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders recently did an interview with CBS revolving around agriculture. Sanders has not yet elaborated on his claims, but he reportedly attests that a scheduled interview with CBS was cancelled because “Monsanto threatened to sue” the network.
During a town hall meeting, a citizen asked Sanders what he thought of GMOs and Monsanto. Sanders reportedly says:

GM Mosquitoes Could End Malaria…or Spread It

Scientists at the University of California say they’ve created a new strain of mosquito that could help wipe out malaria. It’s an interesting development, as mosquitoes are known for spreading the disease. But is it safe?
In recent years, scientists have edited bacteria within mosquitoes in an effort to kill the malaria they carried. The newest malaria-fighting insects have been genetically modified, however.

What the ‘Monsanto Law’ in South America has Done to Farmers’ Rights

If you want to know how Monsanto gets trade agreements in foreign countries without a truly democratic or legal process, you can look no further than South America for answers. Using antiquated laws and the North American Free Trade Agreements (NAFTA), one of the ‘most hated companies’ in the world has forced its wares into multiple South American countries without considering farmers’ rights, indigenous seed, or food sovereignty for millions of people.

US Senator Joins Consumers in Outrage of FDA’s GM Salmon Approval

With the ink barely dry on the FDA’s approval of GM salmon, and several watch-dog groups threatening to sue, U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Connecticut, joins consumer groups wary of the genetically modified fish.
The Senator joined consumer groups who voiced concern on Capitol Hill last week, stating:

“I believe strongly that the consumers have a right to know.”