
Researchers Tout GM Maggots as Major Wound-Healing Advancement

The idea of altering the genes of any biological thing is worrisome and hair-raising at the very least, but there’s just something especially freakish about the concept of genetically modified maggots. Aren’t they nasty enough without mankind tampering with their make-up?
Well, researchers at North Carolina State University (NCSU) believe GM maggots could play a vital role in the wound healing process and encouraging new cell growth.

Hawaii Citizens Beat Monsanto, Bypass ‘Right to Spray’ Pesticides Bill

Residents of the Hawaiian Islands just breathed a sigh of relief – literally, as the deadline passed for Hawaii’s House Judiciary Committee to hear House Bill 849, relating to Right to Farm, that would force residents to succumb to pesticide spraying without any say. All the while, companies like Monsanto, Dow, Syngenta, and BASF use Hawaii land as a testing ground for GM crops.