Billy Joel

A Gift of Words

Edward Curtin “The most incomprehensible talk comes from people who have no other use for language than to make themselves understood.” Karl Kraus, Half-Truths & One-and-a-Half Truths Things, possessions, life on the installment plan or credit card. This is the season to buy, to accumulate more folderols, to give things to one’s children and each other, …

Let Fredo Trump Serve As A Warning To Mankind: This Shit's Getting More Serious Than Putin-Gate-- 3 Songs

We have't talked about kakistocracies in a while. The simple definition of a word from the 1600s describes a state run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens. Paul Krugman was one of many commentators to apply the word to the Trump Regime, writing in mid-January of this year that "[Trump is] surrounding himself with people who share his contempt for everything that is best in America.