Bill Weld

Don't Trust Republicans Just Because They Oppose Trump... They're Still Republicans, Including Bill Weld

Not a hero, not then, not now, not ever-- just a right-wing kookTucker Carlson, Max Boot and Bill Kristol... what comes to mind? Conservative Republicans, right? Stop there. Don't over-think it. That's the answer. No, "buts" about how Boot and Kristol are anti-Trump. Glad they are, but it doesn't matter about who they are and what their advice on anything other than-- very precisely-- Trump's odiousness, means.

Trump Is Just About Trump-- His Supporters On The Other Hand, Are Looking For A White Valhalla

Yesterday, Nick Kristof offered 5 reasons why certain types among our countrymen and women might want to vote for Trump:• voters who worship at the alter of ignorance• voters who feel it's time to embrace a paragon of fraud• voters who want to be entertained by the country's leader• voters who feel extremists have a role to play just like ever

None Of The Above?

Oklahoma is arguably the reddest state in the country. LBJ beat Goldwater in 1964 but that was it. After that the state belonged to the GOP. The last Democrat to carry even one county was Gore in 2000. Both senators and all 5 House members are far right Republicans-- as is the governor. The state Senate has 40 Republicans and 8 Democrats and the state House has 71 Republicans and 28 Democrats. The state Democratic Party atrophied and died. Pollsters aren't even doing surveys of the state.

LIONEL PODCAST: The Corrupt Shillary Media and the Hijacking of the 2016 Election

Devoid of message and vision. But plenty of feigned mirth and overreaction. Loaded with schmaltz and hype. Contrived merriment and infectious glee substituting for a determined plot and plan. The first woman, the progressive, her turn – whatever. But never a word about qualifications, record and platform. Though she does have “experience.” As Willie Sutton had banking experience, I suppose.