Bill Maher

Chicken Or Egg: People In Trump States Have Lower Life Expectancies

Trump states have lower life expectancy. Is that because they embrace Trumpist policies that make them more likely to die sooner than normal people? Or is it the deleterious impact of those policies that cause them to embrace Trumpism in the first place? Monday, Paul Krugman took a closer look: America's Red State Death Trip.

The Democratic Debates

Establishment vs Bernie by Nancy OhanianI would love to know the motivations behind the decisions of who went where but unless someone tells, it's a waste of time to speculate. The DNC insists it was all random. You believe them? The women candidates are equally divided and the African-American candidates are as well. But it's the political motivations I'd rather see.

Your Sunday Night Biden-- You Really Want Four Years Of This?

Friday evening, Bill Maher did what you would expect Bill Maher to do-- excused Joe Biden's behavior, with some cute jokes ("his hands have been part of an exploratory committee for decades"). Although he considers the whole #MeToo thing "a little nitpicky," he did acknowledge that "of course, no one likes to be touched unwantingly and women get a lot more of that than men but..." Yes, but. One of the best-- and most productive-- members of my senior management team at one of the companies I ran would go a little further than Biden did.

The Worst Person In The World

Friday, Michael Bloomberg was campaigning in front of the Democratic Business Council of Northern Virginia when he assailed Señor Trumpanzee for what he called "a complete failure of presidential leadership" and "totally incompetent management." Addressing the Trump-McConnell shutdown, he added that "The whole episode really is a cynical, political stunt, and, unfortunately, we’re the ones paying the price.

New Rule: "Until Donald Trump Is No Longer President, Don't Talk To Me About Any Cause Except Democrats Winning Elections"

The hell with Kirsten Gillibrand-- Bill Maher endorsed Al Franken for president on his HBO show Friday night. He explained why in the video above but, clearly, "he's good enough, he's smart enough, and doggone it, people still like him!"Then Bill goes after #MeToo excesses. You don't need me to reiterate it or even weigh in. Just listen to it yourself. Besides, I've made it clear who I'm backing for the Democratic nomination in 2020.

Who Will Be Left In The Republican Pup Tent After November?

The other day, we warned about not getting sucked into the political perspectives of conservatives on MSNBC, like "non-practicing Republican" Nicolle Wallace, "ex"-Republican Steve Schmidt, #NeverTrumper Rick Wilson and right-of-center Democrat Adam Schiff, just because they are anti-Trump. Anti-Trumpism is important... but that isn't what it means to be progressive-- and none of them are. That said...