Bill Johnson

Ohio Progressive Greg Howard Takes On The Deranged GOP Response To President Obama's Weekly Address on Overtime Pay

This morning, President Obama gave the above weekly address about strengthening overtime pay protections. It isn't complicated and shouldn't be controversial. "What every American wants," he summed up, "is a paycheck that lets them support their families, know a little economic security, and pass down some hope and optimism to their kids." It's less than 3 minutes long-- and even a Republican congressman should be able to understand it. John Boehner tasked one of his dullest backbenchers, Ohio Republican Bill Johnson, to respond to the president.

Steve Israel Is Trying To Saddle Us With Jennifer Garrison, Ohio's Sarah Palin

Jennifer Garrison-- Steve Israel's kind of DemocratEarly in June we warned that DCCC Chair Steve Israel-- be sure to watch Bravo's Princesses: Long Island which is about his district to understand Israel's mentality-- was trying to recruit Ohio's Sarah Palin, Jennifer Garrison, to run against Bill Johnson.

Not Jennifer Garrison Again! The DCCC Is Trying To Recruit Ohio's Sarah Palin To Run Against Bill Johnson

Steve and Jennifer-- a match made in hellClearly, the DCCC should be going after powerful Republican policy makers in vulnerable seats like Paul Ryan (where Obama scored 47%), John Mica (where Obama scored 47%), Ileana Ros Lehtinen (where Obama scored 53%), Peter King (where Obama scored 52%), Fred Upton (where Obama scored 49%), Mike Rogers (where Obama scored 48%), Buck McKeon (where Obama scored 48%), John Kline (where Obama scored 49%), and