Bill Clinton

Porkins Policy Radio episode 36 Ed Opperman on Jeffery Epstein case

In this episode, we are joined by private investigator and host of The Opperman Report,  Ed Opperman.  Ed and I explore the mysterious case of billionaire pedophile Jeffery Epstein.  We discuss the basics of the case: how the investigation was started down in Palm Beach, how Epstein evaded serious jail time and charges, and the way in which the media has portrayed his brave victims.   Ed examines the strange background of Epstein.  He explains how this poor kid from Coney Island was somehow able to rise to opulent wealth and power.  Focusing on Epstein’s connections, from Bear Stearns to po

Does America have a “Gun Problem” or a White Supremacy Capitalist Empire Problem?

When news of the latest white racist gun horror came up from Charleston, South Carolina last month, I was teaching Michael Moore’s 2002 film Bowling for Columbine.  Once again, it seemed, Moore’s apocalyptic vision of an America armed-to-the-teeth and pushed-to-the-edge had proven prophetic.  Once more, contrary to war-mongering media and ‘counter-terrorist’ propaganda, we were reminded: America’s terror is mostly home-grown.

The “Srebrenica Massacre” Turns 20 Years Old

The “Srebrenica massacre” is repeatedly referred to in the Western media as “the largest massacre in Europe since World War II,”1 and its alleged Bosnian Serb perpetrators have been relentlessly pursued by the International Criminal Tribunal of the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) from 1995 up to the present time (the former Bosnian Serb President Radovan Karadzic and General Ratko Mladic are even now on trial for this and other purported crimes).

Vulliamy and Hartmann on Srebrenica: A Study in Propaganda

In their recent article on “How Britain and the US Decided to Abandon Srebrenica to Its Fate”1, Ed Vulliamy, a veteran reporter for the Guardian and Observer newspapers, and Florence Hartmann, a reporter and former spokesperson for the Office of the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), do a remarkable job of standing history on its head.  They do this by the selective use of evidence, including major supp

The Staggering Hypocrisy of Republicans

Great Fuzzy Moments in Fuzzy Reagan HistoryNovember 13, 1986: Saint Ronnie testifies he din't know nuttin' 'bout no money from arms sales to Iran being used to fund guerrillas in Nicaragua. Well, it always could be tricky figuring out what His Saintliness knew and didn't NoahSure, hypocrisy often comes with being a politician of any stripe. It comes from choosing a lifestyle where pandering knows no bounds.

The Difference Between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton in One Paragraph

Thom Hartmann discussing the Sanders campaign and media silence with Ari Rabin-Havtby Gaius PubliusI have to thank Daily Kos diarist james321 for this find. But first, some setup.I'm certain that Hillary Clinton is a classic "Davos Democrat," a neo-liberal savior of the world for the investor class. Krugman with a definition:

“Stop Watching Us”: Who Get Pardoned?

The maligned Warren Harding commuted Eugene V. Debs’ prison sentence and then invited the socialist anti-war felon to join him for breakfast in the White House. Gerald Ford pardoned Nixon, who otherwise might have landed in Leavenworth. George H.W. Bush pardoned Elliott Abrams after Iran-Contra. Bill Clinton, neither moralist nor saint, pardoned the fugitive crook Marc Rich.