Bill Clinton

Does Hillary Clinton Support Cuts to Social Security?

Hillary Clinton explains her Social Security ideas to the Politics and Eggs Event in New Hampshire (source) by Gaius PubliusSure seems like it, but judge for yourself. Watch the above video starting at about 28:50 (if all is well in HTML land, I've queued it up for you). In case you haven't thought it through, raising the retirement age is a benefit cut. There's no other way to say it. From a transcript (paragraphing and emphasis mine):

Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds- The Mind-Boggling Level of Media Censorship in the Real Hastert Case

Welcome to the 25th edition of Probable Cause. This is our fourth episode on the ‘Real’ case of Dennis Hastert. In our first segment I explained the case and predicted that it would be dropped or limited to eliminate airing the truth through real court hearings, and provided you with the broad picture of involved interests and those with much at stake if the case were to proceed as a real case.

Corbett Report Update: Hastert Reaches Plea Deal to Cover Up Case

In a move that should surprise absolutely no one, disgraced former House Speaker Dennis Hastert has reached a plea deal to keep the details of his case sealed for good. Given that prosecutors wanted the details under wraps and the Judge donated to Hastert's campaigns on multiple occasions, was there any doubt this would happen?
*Stay tuned to and for more details about the case, what really happened and what it really means.

Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds- Hastert Case, Clinton Scandals, FBI & the 1996 COINTELPRO II Directive

How Jones-Lewinsky Scandals led to the 1996 White House Classified Directive for FBI COINTELPRO II
Welcome to the 23rd edition of Probable Cause. This is our second episode on the case of Dennis Hastert. In our first segment I briefly explained the case and why it is likely to be dropped or lost-on-purpose, and provided you with the broad picture of involved interests and those with much at stake if the case were to proceed as a ‘real’ case.

Nasty Legacies

It was amusing to see Peter Baker refer to the Democratic Party legislators’ threat to President Obama’s possible “legacy” of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), often described in the media as a “free trade” agreement, although Baker here makes it only a “trade: deal” (“A Trade Deal And a Legacy,” New York Times, June 15, 2015).