Bill Clinton

LIONEL PODCAST: Super Bluesday, Illusion of Choice, Mindless Sycophancy, Patellar Obeisance and a Multi-Dementia-nal Electorate

Super Tuesday. Bluesday. A sad day. Distorted and disconnected. The worst popularity contest in the world with no bases of platform or positioning. The politics of entitlement and obfuscation. Wall Street shills and warmongers. Egomaniacs with an ax to grind and a chip on their soldiers. (You read that right.) Go ahead, Murica! Vote, select. Enjoy this twisted franchise. You’ll see. You’ll be sorry. You’ve been duped again by the illusion of choice.

King of Chaos

Diana Johnstone recently published a very good book on Hillary Clinton entitled Queen of Chaos (Counterpunch Books, 2015). Johnstone justifies the title through her convincing critical examination of Clinton’s performance as Secretary of State as well as her broader record of opinions and actions. But Clinton served under President Barack Obama, and the policies which she pushed while in office were of necessity approved by her superior, who worked with her in “a credible partnership”.1

Kosovo Chaos Undercuts Clinton ‘Success’

Exclusive: President Bill Clinton’s Kosovo war of 1999 was loved by neocons and liberal hawks – the forerunner for Iraq, Libya, Syria and other conflicts this century – but Kosovo’s political violence and lawlessness today underscore the grim consequences of those strategies even when they “succeed,” writes Jonathan Marshall. By Jonathan Marshall The insatiable appetite…

The Clinton Monster That Won’t Die

Hillary and her clan of faux progressives represent an isthmus of privilege in a proletarian sea. If she wins, Hillary will doubtless confirm a few piteous maxims about the human race: any color, creed, or gender is capable of being as cruel as any other and, in the end, greed is our greatest vice.
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