Bill Clinton

Trudeaumania charms Washington

Trudeau’s budding “bromance” with US President Barak Obama in March marks the first official visit by a Canadian leader since 1997, when Liberal Prime Minister Jean Chretien visited the last charismatic Democratic president, Bill Clinton. Both visits were friendly–Clinton gushed at the time: “We have the most comprehensive ties of any two nations on earth.” Chretien was not invited by Clinton’s successor, George Bush, who was furious when Chretien refused to join his “coalition of the willing” to invade Iraq. More like ‘bro-hate’.

The Clintons’ $93 Million Romance with Wall Street: a Catastrophe for Working Families, African-Americans, and Latinos

By Richard W. Behan | CounterPunch | March 16, 2016 For 24 years Bill and Hillary Clinton have courted Wall Street money with notable success. During that time the New York banks contributed: * $11.17 million to Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign in 1992. *$28.37 million for his re-election in 1996. *$2.13 million to Hillary Clinton’s […]

LIONEL PODCAST: Lionel In “House of Cards,” Mentulate References on the Campaign Trail and the Demise of Relevant Politics

Lionel is in Season Four of “House of Cards.” It’s classy, brilliantly written and possesses one of the most diabolically elegant plot lines ever to grace any screen anywhere. And then it occurred to me – If it actually contained a character portraying the GOP candidate for POTUS who held up his hands and assured the world that his phallus was indeed gargantuan, no one would believe it. It would be too low brow and coarse for fiction! Think about it; this is what we’ve become.

LIONEL PODCAST: Chris Christie’s Silent Scream and Nationwide Self-Immolation

Chris Christie. I’ve seen hostage videos that looked more expressive and inviting than this poor schmuck’s. Relegated to DT’s rear, starting distantly, cluelessly and wondering, “What the hell have I done?” Soon, Double-C, you will find out.Charles Manson said it best. “You know, a long time ago being crazy meant something. Nowadays everybody’s crazy.” A long time ago elections meant something also.