Bill Clinton

LIONEL PODCAST: The Degree of Clinton Lies Knows No Historical Equivalent and the Imprisonment of Anthony Weiner

Even the term lies is a euphemism. It doesn’t even come close. But I think you know that. At least, I hope you know that. I discuss herein.
Virtual flashing and hi-tech adultery. Yes, Anthony Weiner, the human punchline. I know he’s a joke and pathetic but we must review how his case will rewrite the law as, per Lionel’s law, the law always lags behind technology. I discuss herein.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 60 Ed Opperman on Hillary health, alt-media problems and more

The one and only Ed Opperman joins us today on a special pre-recorded episode for a wide ranging conversation. We start off with some unavoidable election news: the latest Hillary Clinton health scare. Ed discusses his recent interviews with Dr. Ted Noel and former Secret Service agent Gary Byrne. We explore the role that the Secret Service plays in deep-state events such as JFK, and the Reagan shooting. Ed discusses his PI work which has focused on Secret Service malfeasance. We also discuss a what if scenario, in which Hillary is incapacitated in office and Bill steps in.

LIONEL PODCAST: The Hillary Clinton Criminal Conspiracy and Lie Machine

As societies grow decadent, the language grows decadent, too. Words are used to disguise, not to illuminate, action: you liberate a city by destroying it. Words are to confuse, so that at election time people will solemnly vote against their own interests. (Gore Vidal)

Meanwhile the planet crumbles.  And what are we not discussing? What are the mainstream sock puppet media ignoring altogether? How are deceived? Let me count the ways.

LIONEL PODCAST: What Will It Take for the Media to Admit Hillary’s Gravely Ill?

“Can’t a girl have a sick day or two? Don’t get me started, because when it comes to overqualified women having to try a hundred times harder than under qualified men to get a break, or even a level playing field, well, we know that story.” CNN’s Christiane Amanpour
This is mendacity on human growth hormone. A profound contempt for clarity, transparency and leveling with the American citizen and potential voter. It’s simply mind-boggling. The enemy of limpid and bare truth. Beyond corrupt. Putrescence personified. America will learn a lesson this time.