Bill Clinton

Prison Aid to Haiti for Captive Slave Labor

Haiti’s incarceration rate of roughly 100 prisoners per 100,000 citizens in 2016 was the lowest in the Caribbean. Nevertheless, there is a systematic campaign underway for more prisons. Canada and Norway have each given one prison to Haiti. Thanks to prison aid from the United States, three additional prisons have been inaugurated since 2016, and another is under construction.

Are Globalists Losing Ground?

Death might be the ultimate equalizer, but in the case of David Rockefeller, considerable wealth brought unacceptable privilege and made  survival to illness obscene by any moral or even medical ethics standards. On August 24, 2016, David Rockefeller received his 7th heart transplant which made him, besides being the grandson of the United States’ richest man and first billionaire, the worldwide record holder for number of heart transplants. Coincidentally, musician Chuck Berry passed away a couple of days before David Rockefeller.

‘Great Humanitarian’: Clintons Mourn Rockefeller

(ANTIMEDIA) Social Media was set ablaze Monday morning with articles announcing the death of 101-year-old David Rockefeller. While most in the comment sections were not mourning the loss of the former chief executive of Chase Manhattan bank, political figures from both sides of the aisle felt compelled to publicly express their sympathies for the deceased billionaire.

The Rising Tide of Militarism in the 21st Century

US militarism expanded exponentially through the first two decades of the Twenty-First Century, and was embraced by both Democratic and Republican Presidents. The mass media’s hysteria towards President Trump’s increase in military spending deliberately ignores the vast expansion of militarism, in all its facets, under President Obama and his two predecessors, Presidents ‘Bill’ Clinton and George Bush, Jr.

Obamagate wiretaps may have started when Bill Clinton secretly met with Loretta Lynch

How much did Hillary Clinton know, regarding the Trump Tower wiretaps and Fisa warrants (assuming they existed)?
What we know: The first Fisa request came right after former Attorney General Loretta Lynch met with Bill Clinton on the airport tarmac in Phoenix Arizona on June of 2016.

The first Fisa request was denied.
A week later FBI Director James Comey exonerated Hillary Clinton from further investigation saying…

Descendants of Slaves, Forerunners of Justice

I had recently been asked to give a talk about “being an American Muslim in the United States.” Although wary of the uses and abuses of the term, I obliged.
Islam is a religion propelled by values, not race nor, theoretically, by blind tribal allegiances, I explained.
The ‘American Muslim’ identity which has been under constant investigation in US media, politics and society is completely different from what American Muslims associate themselves with.