Bill Clinton

Donald Trump prepares for political war without the help of fellow Republicans

Donald Trump  has taken to social media to express his frustrations over the continued Russiagate fiasco thatcontinues to dominate US headlines.
Trump Tweeted the following,

This is the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 18, 2017

James Comey’s legacy: Blaming Russia rather than Saudi Arabia and Israel

The last time Donald Trump fired an important official prior to an important foreign visit was when Steve Bannon was fired from his position on the  National Security Council the day before a Chinese delegation led by President Xi was to meet with Trump. It was also incidentally a day prior to Trump’s infamous 6 April 2017 attack on Syria.
Steve Bannon was known to favour Russian reconciliation, particularly over Syria cooperation. He was also a leader of the anti-Chinese camp, especially in the aftermath of Mike Flynn’s resignation. The dots were not difficult to connect.

Is the political speaking circuit a giant money laundering operation?

Imagine for a moment that money was no object to you. Imagine that you and  your associates had hundreds of thousands to spend with free reign. Do images of fast cars, boats, luxury hotels, trips on a private jets or swimming pools filled with champagne come to mind? How about a private speech by Bill Clinton or Tony Blair for you and your associates?

3 reasons why immoral men and women prosper in the modern west

I have never been a fan of Bill O’Reilly, neither his politics nor his attitude, which is apparently needlessly abrasive both on and off air.
I’m not a fan of his pro-war positions and if even half of what he is accused of is true, I find him to be a disgraceful husband, father and man.
But the incident raises questions which transcend Mr. O’Reilly personal circumstance. They also transcend the internal politics at Fox News.

Why the Fed Hasn’t Been Audited Even Though Most Americans Want it to Happen

(RPIAudit the Fed recently took a step closer to becoming law, when it was favorably reported by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. This means the House could vote on the bill at any time. The bill passed by voice vote without any objections, although Fed defenders did launch hysterical attacks on the bill during the debate as well as at a hearing on the bill the previous week.

Should it be easier to remove a US President from office?

Unlike in Parliamentary systems where often all that is needed to remove a government is a simple majority, removing a US President can only be done when the President is found guilty by the Senate of a crime for which the House of Representatives passed an Impeachment.
Only two US Presidents have ever been impeached, Andrew Johnson in 1868 and Bill Clinton 1998. Neither were convicted by the Senate and hence neither were removed from office.

Susan Rice has a Bill Clinton moment, uses a double negative as confession to spying on Trump

Former Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice is being accused of asking to “unmask” Trump aides in intelligence reports.
She went to Obama friendly NBC to respond to the claim for the first time in an interview with Andrea Mitchell.
Listen carefully to Rice’s words, and it is clear to see she is lying, and admitting to spying on Trump. A good lawyer would tear Rice apart in court.