Bill Clinton

Former Bill Clinton adviser goes on record, ‘US President meddled in 1996 Russian election, in favor of Boris Yeltsin’ (Video)

Let’s talk about election meddling. No one does it better than the United States.
See The Duran’s post on this very subject here, which provides a massive list of foreign governments overthrown by the United States, starting with China in 1949 and ending with Ukraine in 2014.

Another Unsolvable Issue for Americans

The Federal Prison Industries (FPI) under the brand UNICORE operates approximately 52 factories (prisons) across the United States. Prisoners manufacture or assemble a number of products for the US military, homeland security, and federal agencies according to the UNICORE/FPI website.  They produce furniture, clothing and circuit boards in addition to providing computer aided design services and call center support for private companies.

Water for Profit: Haiti Comes to Flint

What happens in Haiti doesn’t stay in Haiti. Sooner or later, it comes to places like Michigan’s Benton Harbor and Flint. Our destinies are linked. Zbigniew Brzezinski, a Polish aristocrat who long puppeteered United States presidents from behind the curtains, has written: “America is too democratic at home to be autocratic abroad. This limits the use of America’s power, especially its capacity for military intimidation.” I concur.

Pedophile Hastert Case- Clinton Scandals, FBI & the COINTELPRO II Directive

Welcome to Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds. A new accuser has come forward alleging sexual assault in a lawsuit filed against Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert. The accuser claims that Hastert sodomized him in the 70s when he was 9 years old. This lawsuit comes several years after a hush money case revealed allegations of sexual abuse against Hastert from his days working as a high school wrestling coach in Illinois.

Spéculateurs de la faim : comment les denrées alimentaires sont devenues des produits financiers

Les trois hommes responsables de la dérégulation du marché des matières premières en 1999 : Robert Rubin, alors secrétaire au trésor (devenu co-président de Goldman Sachs), Alan Greenspan, président de la réserve fédérale, et Larry Summers, successeur de Rubin au trésor (devenu président de l’université de Harvard puis conseiller de Barack Obama)