Bill Clinton

Clinton-Yeltsin docs shine a light on why Deep State hates Putin (Video)

Bill Clinton and America ruled over Russia and Boris Yeltsin during the 1990s. Yeltsin showed little love for Russia and more interest in keeping power, and pleasing the oligarchs around him.
Then came Vladimir Putin, and everything changed.
Nearly 600 pages of memos and transcripts, documenting personal exchanges and telephone conversations between Bill Clinton and Boris Yeltsin, were made public by the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Trump's Penis Is Fair Game-- Albeit More Like A Squirrel Or Rabbit Than And Elephant Or Elk

-by Anonymous (Who the hell would want one’s name attached to this article?)Since Trump takes the low road all of the time, Stormy is the perfect person to play his game. I say, “Go Stormy!” Stormy is coming out with a book, Full Disclosure, and some excerpts are showing up in the media. Stormy has provided a concise description of Trump’s penis and it isn’t pretty.

Tucker Carlson EVISCERATES Stormy Daniels’ creepy lawyer (VIDEO)

“Creepy Porn Lawyer” is the nickname that Tucker Carlson gave Michael Avenatti, the attorney representing the porn star who goes by the name “Stormy Daniels”, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford. Ms. Clifford, as “Stormy”, made a name for herself after the election of President Trump, by alleging that the now-president had relations with her back in 2006, shortly after Mr. Trump married Melania.
This revelation was against the agreement Trump’s attorney at the time, Michael Cohen, had made with the actress, paying her about $130,000 in “hush money.”