Bill Clinton
Adam Green - Jeffrey Epstein: The Groomers, The Cover-Up, The Island & The Victims - Hour 1
Adam Green from Know More News joins Henrik to talk about Jeffrey Epstein and the large network of establishment figures that are connected to him. We talk about the groomers like Ghislaine Maxwell and those part of the cover-up, like "high-profile lawyer" Alan Dershowitz. We discuss the activities at Epstein's Island, the strange "temple" and rumors about underground facilities. Adam goes into the strange connections to Israel's sex slavery rings and the religion that might underpin this entire case. We also play testimony of one of the most outspoken victims, Virginia Roberts.
In Bahrain, the Horizon of Peace stretched Further Away from Palestinians
Donald Trump’s supposed “deal of the century”, offering the Palestinians economic bribes in return for political submission, is the endgame of western peace-making, the real goal of which has been failure, not success.
For decades, peace plans have made impossible demands of the Palestinians, forcing them to reject the terms on offer and thereby create a pretext for Israel to seize more of their homeland.
Bill Clinton in Kosovo
War in the name of morality provides as many reasons for historical shudders as war in the name of self-interest, for at least the latter may be easier to call off when self-interest calls for compromise.
— Lawrence Freedman, Review of International Studies, July, 2000
Porkins Policy Radio episode 190 Black Budget with Folie a deux
This week Folie à Deux joined me to discuss Black Budget, the new comic series he wrote and illustrated. The discussion opened talking about the comic itself, which addresses mind control and MK Ultra. The history of MK Ultra and other government-sponsored programs fill the discourse and the book. We also discussed how this topic is covered in the alternative media and conspiracy culture. Later some of the hidden messages and Easter eggs throughout Black Budget are revealed.
Rudy Giuliani DESTROYS Hillary Clinton, “America’s Number One Crime Family” (Video)
The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss Rudy Giuliani’s latest appearance on Fox & Friends.
Giuliani fired back at Hillary Clinton, after the failed presidential candidate urged Democrats to press on with impeachment of President Trump. Giuliani blasted the Clinton family, describing them as, “America’s number one crime family”.
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