Big Tent

Is The Tent So Big That The Party Has Become Meaningless As Anything MoreThan A Vehicle To Save The Country From Trump?

Can you see who's driving the truck in this Nancy Ohanian drawing?In 1945, when the legislation that finally became Medicare twenty years later in 1965, was first seriously pushed by Harry Truman, it was Medicare for All. It covered all Americans' doctor visits, hospital visits, laboratory services, dental care and nursing services.

Does The Democratic Party Need A Republican Wing?

Alabama has a Republican House and a Republican Senate and a Republican governor. When the state government of Alabama decided women in their state can no longer have abortions, it was horrible enough. But two weeks later, the Democratic governor of Louisiana signed another of the extreme anti-abortion bills that Republicans are using to deny women's Choice. And it isn't just happening in the Deep South.

Is PAYGO The Messaging Pelosi Thinks The Democrats Can Win On?

Sometimes a political tent can get so big that it stops having any meaning at all. The messaging coming out of the GOP pup tent is at least clear: they're white nationalists with a fascist bent who want to cut taxes on the rich and end social spending on things they consider wasteful-- Social Security, Medicare, food stamps, environmental protection... you know the old story.

The Tent Is Too Big-- It Makes The Democratic Party Meaningless And Damages The Brand... Stands For Nothing

Yesterday, after her astounding victory Tuesday, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, was interviewed on CNN, which had ignored her race until now. She said that she is "absolutely proud to be a Democrat but it also means that the Democratic Party is a big tent and there are so many ways to be a Democrat." Like Bernie, she calls herself a Democratic socialist.

Women's Choice Is Not A Cultural Issue Democrats Are Allowed To Compromise Away

The less bad anti-Choice candidate in Omaha?Activist Jodi Jacobson, founder of Rewire, was one of the people who rang the alarm bell on many elements within the Democratic Party for seemingly giving anti-Choicers a wink and a nod recently. There's a lot of misinformation floating around about the Democratic candidate for Omaha mayor, Heath Mello, and the circumstances of the hubbub around his relationship to the party.

When Party Leaders Abandon Democrats, Democrats Abandon Them Back

Sellus Wilder is the progressive Democrat-- Democratic wing of the Democratic Party-- running for the Kentucky Senate seat currently occupied by Rand Paul. The Democratic Establishment has their own candidate in the primary, Jim Gray, all ready to do all the same old GOP-lite things Democrats do in Kentucky to lose elections.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Still Tolerates Ugly Homophobia Inside Her "Big Tent"... Blue Dog Dan Lipinski

It isn't just Republicans who embrace anti-gay fanaticism-- Lipinski and Wasserman SchultzIn theory a "big tent" political party is just fine-- and the Democratic big tent is way better than the ever-shrinking ideological GOP pup tent. But you have to draw a line in the sand somewhere.