big tech censorship

Facebook wants you to report extremists in your friends and family [Video]

What is an extremist? These days, this term is becoming rather subjective. For the Democrat in 2021, extremists include: Trump supporters Dedicated and serious Christian believers Proponents of traditional family structures and values Conservatives For the Conservative / Republican in the same period, some of us might consider these people and groups extremists: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez […]

Revisiting my 2019 “Pharma Echo Chamber, Sociopolitical Matrix, and Power Vortex” in 2020/2021 and Beyond: Diagram and PDF download

source by Dr Alex Kennerly Vasquez In 2019, I called it the “Pharma echo chamber and power vortex” but now starting in 2020 it is called the “Coronavirus pandemic/quarantine/lockdown.” “As of 2020-2021, the entire world has been affected by… the political mismanagement of a medical problem… and the medical mismanagement of a political problem. As […]

2.7 Million Votes Potentially Lost; Dominion Voting Strong Ties to CCP and Dems| Beyond The Noise

General Flynn posted, on Parler, a link to a video regarding the election fraud. There is a battle underway, for people to access the evidence about widespread and systematic election fraud, against big tech digital media censorship and mainstream news propaganda in their attempts to quash knowledge of the widespread fraud. Big Tech and mainstream […]