Big Oil

28 House Dems Sold Us Out On Keystone XL Yesterday... Will Obama?

It's not news around here that the Republican House passed some Keystone XL Pipeline legislation again. Everyone knew they would and everyone knew they would do it the first week of the new session. It passed 226-153. And it isn't news that every single Republican voted for it. What about our centurions in the Democratic Party? Well, 153 voted against it. But 28 crossed the aisle and voted with the GOP.

Fracking Isn't Going To Save The World

-by Jack HannoldThe price of gasoline has been falling lately because U. S. oil production has soared to its highest level in decades, producing a worldwide surplus. OPEC’s Thanksgiving Day announcement that its members won’t soon cut oil production means prices will remain low for now.One Russian oil executive thinks OPEC wants to crash the U.S. shale oil boom, which he compares to the dot-com boom of the 1990’s.

Another Day, Another Fred Upton Oil Spill In Southwest Michigan

A gas pipeline owned by Trans Canada, the Keystone XL villains, and running from Canada to Texas ruptured... but not in Canada nor in Texas. The victims were in Michigan, in Berrien County, ironically, the second most populous county in MI-06, the home district of House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman, "drill, baby, drill" zombie Fred Upton. The county leans Republican.

Do Members Of Congress Really Sell Out America For A Little Cash From Big Oil?

Since 1990 the Oil and Gas industry has pumped $221,453,356 into congressional campaigns, legalistic bribes that went almost four to one to Republicans, exceptions being a handful of Blue Dogs and New Dems from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party whom Big Oil finds it useful (and easy) to bribe. The Dirty Dozen House Members taking the most in bribes from Big Oil since 1990 are all Republicans:

Two Videos-- Just One Fragile Little World

The one above is the debut of James Cameron's must-see series on Climate Change, Years of Living Dangerously. It's an hour that, if you watch it, will have been well-spent. Cameron's video is-- God willing-- part of the solution to an existential threat to humanity. Below is a short, brutish political commercial. It's ugly and it will persuade many Democrats to hold their nose and just stay home rather than vote for Mary Landrieu.

Big Energy Has All The Money It Needs To Buy Any Politician It Needs To-- In America And In California

ManchinAccording to Pulitzer Prize winner Barton Gellman, author of Angler: The Cheney Vice Presidency, Cheney grabbed the Energy portfolio even before the Supreme Court halted the recount and handed the presidency to him and Bush. Since 1990, Big Energy has poured $445,583,154 directly into the campaign coffers of congressmen and congressional candidates-- $303,699,712 of it to Republicans.