Big Oil

Making the US a Petro-State: White House Keeps Alive GOP Hopes for Lifting the Oil Export Ban

Thanks to the people at ForestEthics, we have key Senate phone numbers for you in nice graphic form. Be sure to add Barbara Boxer to the call list — (202) Gaius PubliusShort and brutally ugly. This is an all-hands-on-deck moment. The White House is reportedly the chief negotiator on behalf of Big Oil's attempt to lift the crude oil export ban.

Fred Upton Delivered Big Time For Big Energy Special Interests

There aren't worst Big Energy whores in Congress than Fred Upton and Joe "Oily Joe" BartonOur old nemesis-- and by "our" I mean planet Earth's, the L.A. Times explaining that his "disdain for green regulation, he represents one of the biggest threats to planet Earth on planet Earth"-- got his energy bill passed yesterday. Upton's H.R.

What Passing 400 ppm CO2 Means to Climate Scientists

NASA | A Year in the Life of Earth's CO2 (source). Note first that emissions are greater in the industrialized northern hemisphere, which probably explains why the Arctic is melting first. Then note the difference between winter emissions in the north, which remain airborne, and summer emissions, which are partially withdrawn by growing vegetation. by Gaius PubliusThis is written for anyone who is climate-concerned, but specifically for our DC readers in the policy-making community.

The Nature Of Congressional Bribery-- Meet Fred Upton (R-MI)

I don't know how many years we've been asking about Fred Upton taking bribes from the special interests he champions. Two years ago we asked directly How Does Fred Upton Define Bribery? and two years before that there was another one, and a real doozy in 2011. But Upton and quid pro quos go back long before DWT even started.

Can Making An Issue Of Renewable Energy Work For Progressives... In Oklahoma?

Tom Guild (OK-05)With the renewable energy sector already creating far more jobs-- and far better jobs-- than fossil fuel extraction, its difficult to understand why Republicans are so hysterically opposed to the thriving new industry. Difficult until you look at the Big Oil & Gas payroll for Congress. Last year alone, Big Oil and Gas rewarded their Republican congressional allies with $26,850,111 in legalistic bribes.