Big Oil

Hillary Caught On Tape Lying About Bernie Again-- In A Big Way

Donald Trump may be the biggest liar in the 2016 field but without that freak of nature in the campaign, it would certainly be Hillary Clinton in the #1 spot. She lies in a more standard politician fashion, like Cruz and Kasich. Her campaign is built on lies by professional liars (lobbyists). Her political career is built on lies. But all over the media ythis morning was her statement from yesterday: "I am so sick of the Sanders campaign lying about me." Despite her bout of well-rehearsed anger, the problem is that she's, once again, full of crap.

Is Obama About to Nominate an Exxon Lawyer to the Supreme Court?

Is Nicolo Machiavelli about to whisper into Obama's shell-like ear? (Source; click to enlarge)by Gaius PubliusWhen we talk amongst ourselves, we leftie writers and activists, I sometimes hear it said that Obama should nominate someone very liberal to replace Antonin Scalia. I also sometimes hear that if he doesn't do that, it's because he feels pressured not to.

What does it mean to be a Schumercrat? Let's Look At A Pennsylvania Schumercrat, Katie McGinty

In the video above, the establishment candidate for the Pennsylvania Democratic Senate nomination, Katie McGinty, is very clear that she didn't accept any money from the oil and gas industry. That's what Democrats expect from their nominees since the oil and gas industry seeks to bribe politicians with funding. Pennsylvania Democrats ended the sleazy career of pro-fracking Blue Dog Tim Holden in 2012 when progressive insurgent Matt Cartwright called him out for his ties to Big Oil.

A Non-Neoliberal Woman President Is Not One of the Choices

by Gaius Publius"I owe almost my entire Wall Street career to the Clintons" (he does mean both). —Wall Street trader Chris Arnade I recently read Joan Walsh's passionate endorsement of Hillary Clinton, and while she speaks for herself, it's obvious that many people feel as she does. It's long past time for a woman to be nominated and long past time for the vicious, sexist and puerile attacks on her to cease.

How Much Oil Is Needed To Power Santa’s Sleigh?-- A Guest Post From Michael McDonald

Before heading back to Janesville, Paul Ryan dyed his beard white and put on his Santa Claus costume to deliver big time for Republican corporate donors far and wide, especially Big Oil-- which has already doled out $8,453,278 to congressional Republicans this year (after spending $26,852,861 on congressional Republicans in the last cycle.