big business

Over 160 Business Giants, Including Some Who Backed Trump, Pressured Him to Transfer Power to Biden

The captains of industry reportedly have united against Trump in support of a Biden, and now the nation’s top executives have urged Trump to begin the transition process. The executives in all of these companies are committed to globalism, which means the end to American as a sovereign, independent nation.

Vänstern, finansbranschen och det fria ordet

Läs min senaste postning hos 5 juli-stiftelsen - om hur vänsteraktivister och globala betalningsförmedlare gör gemensam sak för att tysta obekväma röster på internet:Vänstern, finansbranschen och det fria ordet »"Den rimliga principen borde vara att acceptera betalningar för all verksamhet som är laglig – istället för att agera moralpolis, utifrån subjektiva vär

Wall Street Admits Curing Diseases is Bad for Business

Goldman Sachs has outdone itself this time. That’s saying a lot for an investment firm that both helped cause and then exploited a global economic meltdown, increasing its own wealth and power while helping to boot millions of Americans out of their homes.
But now Goldman Sachs is openly saying in financial reports that curing people of terrible diseases is not good for business.