Big Bang Theory

Is Eric Lerner A Crank?

How did the Universe begin? There are basically two answers to that question: the mystical one, and the scientific one. The mystical one goes something like this: In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth. All Creation myths are variations on this, namely a Supreme Being starting the clock. The scientific version is […]

Under Trump, The Republican War On Science Has Been Succeeding-- And Just When Mankind Needs Science Most

A couple of days ago, a friend sent me a blistering note excoriating me for using the picture of Trump above. That isn’t why I’m running it again-- at least not the entire reason. This absolutely crucial piece in the NY Times hadn’t run yet but the perspective it conveys is exactly why the Trump-Morlock portrait is so perfect and so appropriate.

Fall TV Watch: Tonight the new season can be said to be truly underway

I haven't watched this official season preview of Season 5 of Homeland, which launches tonight, for fear of of spoilers. I started watching one of the series of preview clips CBS has posted in advance of tonight's Season 7 premiere of The Good Wife, and within about three seconds star Julianna Margulies had revealed more than I wanted to know before watching the KenHowever bleak the new TV season becomes, it doesn't seem to crap up Sunday night.

TV Watch: With all those horrible zombie noises exploding, can anyone tell whether the new "Odd Couple" is funny?

by KenI thought I was more or less keeping track, but I missed it -- I mean, the pilot-premiere of the new TV Odd Couple. After all, you can't set your DVR before the week of the show, so if you miss the week of, then you can't set your DVR, right? So anyhow I did watch this week's episode, more or less, and after watching it, or trying to, I still don't know -- was it funny at all?I think maybe it could have been.

What, you say Comic-Connies aren't big spenders? Suddenly my regard for them has jumped!

NYT caption: "Comic-Con attendees lunching near the convention center. Spending by visitors to the five-day convention, San Diego’s largest by far, is about $603, a fraction of that of much smaller events."by KenHey, almost everything I know about Comic-Con comes from watching The Big Bang Theory -- and that hasn't made it seem any more like a gathering where I would want to, you know, gather.

Just when you think right-wing intelligence can't be any lower, it is -- they don't know the meaning of "choice"

Dint ol' Ronnie Reagan hisself promis us we dint hafta beleeve in no stuff we dint wanna like no Big Bongs which anyways is just a big bell or somethin' in Inglund?by KenDo you know what the word "choice" means? What it means to choose between options? Yes, you say? You do? Then I'm sorry to have to tell you that apparently you have just been disqualified from being a right-winger.We'll come back to this in a moment.

TV Watch: Could the barren wasteland of this TV season be somehow connected to the barren wasteland of our social and political reality?

Bright lights in the void: I haven't watched this official trailer for Season 3 of Homeland, but you may want to. If the season turned out to be good, I didn't want it spoiled by the preview, and if it didn't, well, I didn't want to waste my time. So far, I'm happier than I could have imagined.