BFP Quarterly Fundraising

Please Support BFP: A True Alternative Subsidized Solely by the People

Help Us Counter the ‘Dumb-ification of the Masses’A truly alternative media is a truly independent media: independent of foundation mega-bucks, independent of corporate-sponsors and billionaire Sugar-Daddies, and independent of mega-advertisement dollars. There is only ONE way for a truly independent alternative to exist, survive, continue and expand: The People- direct contributions, subscriptions and donations by the people.

A Dangerous & Absurd Disconnect: “Everything on the Internet Should Be Free!”

The Hidden Price of the Establishment Sugar Daddies-Backed Propaganda & Vulture Advertisers-Sponsored Free Content
The other day I was chatting with a man who was expressing his appreciation for our irate minority home-Boiling Frogs Post. Everything, all the brief communication, up to a certain point, was going well. Until … until he made the following comment:

The Needed Ingredients For A Real Alternative Information Gateway

Alternative Media: The Truth vs. Myths & Misconceptions
The battle between the dying mainstream media model and internet-based alternative media models is not over. Don’t get me wrong. The mainstream media is dying; it will be dead. There is no doubt about that. The still-remaining question has to do with the alternative models out there within the internet sphere. Which ones will remain and march forward as viable replacements? How?

Help Us Counter the ‘Dumb-ification of the Masses’- Support a Real Independent Alternative

Four years ago Boiling Frogs Post began with a promise: a site where the irate minority (that’s me and you), those aware and tired of the creators of lies-fables-smoke and mirrors, could call home. It was created on a pledge: complete independence from the establishment- those who come in many forms-whether foundations, sponsors or deep-pocket advertisers.