Beto O'Rourke

Has There Ever Been A New President So Widely Despised So Quickly By Americans?

Politico's Gabriel Debenedetti reported Thurdsday that national Democrats have largely "settled on a scorched-earth, not-now-not-ever model of opposition" to Señor Trumpanzee." I don't believe most of them are even capable of carrying it out or that most of them have the guts to try it but he claims that "[i]n legislative proposals, campaign promises, donor pitches and even in some Senate hearings, Democrats have opted fo

Trump's Kakistocracy's First Two Achievements

Even as he was assembling and deploying an American kakistocracy and calling it his administration, there were people of goodwill urging everyone to just wait and be open-minded and see if Trump didn't turn out to be an OK president. "After all," one of that tribe told me several times, "he was a liberal Democrat most of his life." Nah...

Frank Wolf (R-VA)-- Nothing Like John Quincy Adams

Most Congress observers aren't aware that Virginia Rep. Frank Wolf is a raving lunatic and one of the worst religionist fanatics on Capitol Hill. Most people just think of him as a run-of-the-mill conservative-- for better or worse-- who was elected back when the most popular shows on TV were The Dukes of Hazzard, Mork & Mindy and Hill Street Blues. But he has also served as Dobson's cat's paw in Congress and helped him pester other Members of Congress to join his cult.