Beto O'Rourke

Roger Stone: Sessions' Anti-Pot Agenda: "A Vote Loser And Inconsistent With What The President Promised The American People"

I spent 4 years of college getting high-- very, very high. It was like my major. And then I stopped. Boom-- one day, sitting on the border between Pakistan and India waiting for paperwork so I could drive my car across the border, it was over. Barely out of my teens, my tortured prayers were answered.

Texas Is More Like The Rest Of America Than You Might Imagine

Over the last few decades, once populist Texas has turned into a very red state. But not hopelessly red. Last year , without even trying, Hillary made unexpected inroads in districts that were gerrymandered to prevent unexpected inroads. Trump won the state-- 4,685,047 (52.23%) to 3,877,868 (43.24%). Those 3.87 million Texans who voted for Hillary were more than her margin of victory in the national popular vote.

Texas Getting Ready To Reclaim Its Role As A Power Player In Democratic Party Politics?

Texas hasn't been a big part of progressive plans for winning back Congress in recent years-- nor even Democratic Party plans. Most of the few Democrats the DCCC has backed there have been dreadfully corrupt conservatives like Pete Gallego, Vicente Gonzalez, Henry Cuellar and Filemon Vela. They were certainly openly hostile to Beto O'Rourke when he first ran for Congress in El Paso against another of their corrupt conservatives, Sylvester Reyes.