Beto O'Rourke

About Beto-- Flawed, As Are Most Candidates... But Is He A Flash In The Pan?

OyLet me reiterate: Blue America backed Beto when he ran for Congress against conservative Democrat Silvestre Reyes in 2012. He wasn't a bad member of Congress but we were disappointed that he veered more centrist than his district and joined the New Dems. We didn't endorse him for reelection in 2014 or 2016 but we were one of the first groups outside of Texas to back him in his Senate bid against Ted Cruz.

Will Bernie Run In 2020?

Progressive Democrats by Nancy OhanianI went to the first convention of the burgeoning alternative music business way back in the late '70s. All of us at indie labels, indie radio, indie publications, etc, got to meet in person for the first time and share our passion nd ideas about a music scene that was starting too take root in the popular culture. It was small and focused and fun.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 164 2018 Election Special with JP Sottile and Ed Opperman

JP Sottile joined me in the first hour for our 2018 Midterm Election Special. JP talked about the massive amounts of data coming in regarding this highly contested midterm. We talked about the role of women voters, MeToo, and the side shows like the “Migrant Caravan.” Later JP and I discussed several interesting Senate races including Missouri. JP also talked about Trump’s use of neo-fascist imagery and rhetoric to energize his base.

Por Favor Vote Hoy-- PorTodo Nuestro Bien

This isn't a new poll but it could be the numbers we see on our TV screens tonight. Say a prayer. A result like that in Texas today is going to be dependent on, among other things, Latino turnout. Virtually all polling models assume Latinos will not turn out in large numbers. If that changes today, say goodbye to Ted Cruz and... HELLO BETO! Nearly 39% of Texans are Latino. BETO will win if they vote today in larger numbers than has been usual.

Will Texas Move Bluer On November 6th?

Who would ever have imagined Texas would have one of the most closely watched Senate races of 2018? Certainly not the DSCC, which hasn't spent a nickel in Texas. But the race has captured the hearts of so many Texans-- and, in truth so many Americans from coast to coast-- because of what an exceptional candidate Beto is and because of how exceptional bad Ted Cruz is.How much would you pay to hear Trump's put downs of Cruz a week from next Wednesday if Cruz loses! But the race is totally too close to call.