Bertrand Russell

[Vidéo] Éloge de l’oisiveté, avec Dominique Rongvaux

Bertrand Russell, philosophe, mathématicien et prix Nobel de littérature, publie en 1932 un essai intitulé « Éloge de l’oisiveté ». Ce livre est un plaidoyer pour une plus juste distribution des richesses obtenues grâce aux progrès techniques de la révolution industrielle. Si ces richesses n’étaient pas accaparées par quelques-uns, le travail pénible serait considérablement réduit et chacun pourrait consacrer son temps à des activités dignes, agréables et constructives.

Lucifer’s Evolutionary Babel – Jay Dyer on Men With Chests

Jay Dyer joins Men With Chests Podcast to discuss social engineering, who’s doing it, and why. We get into the ancient origins of this diabolism, how it became industrialized, and talk about some of the shadowy groups and figures behind it all. We also talk transhumanism, Darwinism, and how this agenda has impacted Christianity and the Church.
During the news round-up we have a fairly long discussion about monarchism and then we offer some helpful tip on how to increase your reverence during mass.

World’s Greatest Philosopher & Logician Refuted & Made Foolish – Jay Dyer (Partial)

Hailed by the establishment for decades as the “greatest modern philosopher in the world” and as the “greatest logician,” we see how paper-thin and easily refuted the theses of Bertrand Russell are. 20 years later Russell penned his “Nobel winning” book Impact of Science on Society that was a rehash of everything in The Scientific Outlook.

Genderless FUTURE – Jay Dyer on H.G. Wells Luciferian Open Conspiracy (Free Half)

A genderless from the FUTURE honors HG Wells, the prophet. Yes, the plan of the future is to live inside or above a Wal Mart, Target or Google City. Quite Literally. Moving on in our globalist books series, we cover HG Wells baffling and Satanic text, The Open Conspiracy. The 1935 text is a comparable companion to Bertrand Russell’s works and the rest of the Quigley Crew. The Open Conspiracy proposes the New World Order is itself the new religion of the future. The full talk can be obtained below.

Hollywood is a Collapsing Covert Operation – Jay Dyer Campaign for Liberty Speech

Campaign for Liberty in Memphis invited me to do a lecture on the topic of Hollywood and Geopolitics. In this talk, I cover the origins of Hollywood and the simultaneous geopolitical rise in the Atlanticist establishment with the Rothschilds, Rhodes and Milner Groups, as well as the influence of their “brains” in characters like Bertrand Russell and HG Wells. From there we see that Hollywood is a giant arm of the octopus that is collapsing.
Stream Audio Here

Bertrand Russell Genocidal Maniac: The Scientific Outlook (Half) – Jay Dyer

My undergraduate and graduate work focused on a large degree of philosophy of science and analytics. Russell is an example of reductionistic, naturalistic determinism and the “evolutionary” process of societies toward a single new world order government where life is regulated from womb to tomb by cybernetics and mass genetic control and experimentation, as well as the extermination of much of the population. Russell was a fraud and a propagandist, not a philosopher.

BLADE RUNNER – Hidden Esoteric Meaning VID – Jay Dyer (Half)

Based on the chapter in my best selling book with new information and analysis, I decode the highly philosophical and esoteric 1982 film from Ridley Scott. Blade Runner is not only important for its predictive programming, but also for its alchemical and gnostic themes, as found in the rest of Dick’s novels.
Purchase my book here.

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