Bertell Ollman

Letter to the Australian Taxpayer-funded ABC and SBS Media re Anti-Arab & Anti-Jewish Anti-Semitism and False Reportage about Occupied Palestine

Dear ABC & SBS management and staff, I am an anti-racist Jewish-Celtic scientist, humanitarian, artist and writer from one of Hungary’s most famous Jewish families (ask any mathematician or surgeon). Only about a dozen of my wider family survived the Jewish Holocaust in Hungary in 1944-1945. For all decent people and in particular anti-racist Jewish […]

On Class Consciousness and the 2020 Presidential Election

After several weeks of intensive reading and discussion on class, capitalism and socialism in my undergraduate course, The Politics of Labor, we would do following exercise: Standing before the blackboard (google it) I encouraged the students to list existing, objective and determining conditions that might prompt the American working class to seek the abolition of capitalism.