Bernie Sanders

A Modest Proposal for Socialist Revolution

At this point in history, two things are clear. First, Marx was right that capitalism is torn by too many “contradictions” to be sustainable indefinitely as a global economic system. In its terminal period, which we’re entering now (and which we can predict will last generations, because a global economic order doesn’t vanish in a decade or two), it will be afflicted by so many popular uprisings—on the left and the right—so many economic, political, and ecological crises causing so much turmoil and dislocation, that only a permanent and worldwide fascism would be able to save it.

Thoughts on Warren, Sanders and the Convention: The Choices Facing Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren talking at SXSW about the now-famous private conversation with Bernie Sandersby Thomas Neuburger Much has been written about the Warren-Sanders-CNN confrontation at the most recent debate, both the conflict at the debate itself and hot-mic conversation afterward (excellent contextual rundown here). For the record, here's what was said at the debate:

Bernie Sanders Walks Straight Into the Russiagate Trap

The New York Times caused a mini-commotion last week with a front-page story suggesting that Russian intelligence had hacked a Ukrainian energy firm known as Burisma Holdings in order to get dirt on Joe Biden and help Donald Trump win re-election.
But the article was flimsy even by Russiagate standards, and so certain questions inevitably arise. What was it really about? Who’s behind it? Who’s the real target?

Media Skewers ‘Sexist’ Sanders for Refusing to Bend the Knee

By desperately wielding the sword of victimhood, Elizabeth Warren insults, not empowers her sex.
Barbara BOLAND
The media cannot forgive Bernie Sanders for refusing to “bend the knee” to Elizabeth Warren regarding her recounting of a now infamous December 2018 meeting between the two, in which the Vermont senator allegedly said a woman could not be elected president.

CNN, Warren’s Sexism Jibe Against Sanders Backfires as #CNNisTrash Trends on Twitter

CNN has been widely criticized for its perceived bias in moderating yesterday’s Democratic presidential debate in Iowa. With just three weeks before the first primaries, six leading candidates descended upon Des Moines last night to take part. But, as with previous debates, much of the public discussion centered on the organization, framing and bias of the organizers and moderators.