Bernie Sanders

Are Democrats Trying to Lose 2020? It’s Not a Bug – It’s a Feature

Hillary Clinton still controls the DNC, and in the few days before the Iowa caucus and subsequent fiasco, for a brief moment we lived in a parallel Bernie ascending universe where Democrats could forget that fact.
But now with Bloomberg buying in, Biden going down, Mayor Pete running out of managers to complain to, and an openly hostile campaign against Bernie – it’s time to ask:
What if the DNC has no strong desire to win this election?

BERNIE vs BUTTIGIEG: Iowa Caucus Disaster Reveals Democrats’ Elite Digital Mafia

The Democrats really had a rough week. Trump’s impeachment acquittal rocked Capitol Hill, but the real blow to the Democratic Establishment came during the Iowa Caucuses primary contest – which quickly descended into electoral chaos after the party’s dodgy digital election App failed to record votes – part of a series of incidents which allowed centrist Pete Buttigieg to come from behind to challenge front-runner Bernie Sanders.

On Class Consciousness and the 2020 Presidential Election

After several weeks of intensive reading and discussion on class, capitalism and socialism in my undergraduate course, The Politics of Labor, we would do following exercise: Standing before the blackboard (google it) I encouraged the students to list existing, objective and determining conditions that might prompt the American working class to seek the abolition of capitalism.