Bernie Sanders

How We Stay Blind to the Story of Power

If one thing drives me to write, especially these blog posts, it is the urgent need for us to start understanding power. Power is the force that shapes almost everything about our lives and our deaths. There is no more important issue. Understanding power and overcoming it through that understanding is the only path to liberation we can take as individuals, as societies, and as a species.

Oligarchs and Resisters

By now, we’ve all seen the utter obliteration of Michael Bloomberg in the last Democratic debate, an individual used to a room full of yes-men finally out from behind of his money and into the arena of give and take. And take, he did; if he was a mop, the floor would have been spotless. Relax; I do not think it is inappropriate for a member of the humble proletariat to take pleasure in the humiliation of an oligarch.

Same, lame Russia meddling BS. Trump & Bernie react in completely different ways (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the the same old ‘Russia is meddling’ intel narrative being pushed out by the fake news mainstream media, this time targeting not only US President Trump but also Bernie Sanders.
Trump blasted the fake news saying this is ‘2016 all over again for Bernie’, while the US president pointed the finger at Adam Schiff for the ‘Russiagate’ Sanders leaks.
Sanders meanwhile agreed with the intel report and media stories, calling Putin a “thug”, and warning Russia to stop meddling.

Democrat Debate: Bloomberg Left for Dead in Nevada Desert

Who would have thought than an open debate about the merits of capitalism versus socialism would predominate in the otherwise neoliberal Democrat Party? The February 19th Democrat primary debate in Las Vegas saw a candidate-wide consensus that Mike Bloomberg is an unwelcome intruder into the party’s politics. Bloomberg is known for being a weak debater, and his ride as mayor of New York was the fruitful product of his dealings with the more sociable former mayor, Giuliani.

Apparent US Intel Meddling in US Election With ‘Report’ Russia is Aiding Sanders

Without any proof, The New York Times and Washington Post run “Russia helping Sanders” stories, and Sanders responds by bashing Russia, writes Joe Lauria.
With Democratic frontrunner Bernie Sanders spooking the Democratic establishment,The Washington Post Friday reported damaging information from intelligence sources against Sanders by saying that Russia is trying to help his campaign.

An excellent way to distinguish between liberals and conservatives [Video]

Dr Steven Turley has emerged in the last couple years as one of the clearest voices in support of “the new nationalism” that appears to be taking shape in many nations all over the world. This rise of nationalism, populism and traditionalism is revealing the real divide between liberals and conservatives in America and around the world. Most significantly leading this charge is the Russian Federation, but many nations are coming on board: The United Kingdom, Hungary, Italy, the United States, Australia, and some signs of interest in antiglobalism in France.

Subcomandante Bloomberg

Break out the pussyhats and vuvuzelas, folks, because the neoliberal Resistance is back, and this time they’re not playing around. No more impeachments and investigations. It’s time to go mano-a-mano with Trump, and they’ve finally got just the bad hombre to do it. No, not Bernie Sanders, you commies. A battle-hardened Resistance fighter. El Caballo Pequeño! El Jefe Mínimo! Subcomandante Michael Bloomberg!